When the word chronic is used to describe a health condition that you have, typically 10 out of 10 times it will be a bad thing. Why? Well, first of all you do not hear people saying “I am chronically healthy!” Many mothers who bring their children into our office for chronic ear infections typically do so as a last resort. We think that chiropractic care is only for backaches…which is an absolute lie and false information. Chiropractors are trained experts in the detection and adjustment of vertebral subluxations. Vertebral subluxations cause chronic ear infections. What is a vertebral subluxation? Let’s continue!
The Actual Cause Of Chronic Ear Infections
The actual cause of all dysfunction in the human body, such as an ear infection, is vertebral subluxations. The vertebral subluxation represents all physical disease in the body. How and why? A vertebral subluxation limits the body from adapting and healing. It places undo stress and tension on the central nerve system, which controls all life. This then restricts all messages sent throughout the body, or in this case, the inner ear. When the central nerve system is limited by what it can do, in-coordination occurs within the body. In-coordination will cause neglect of tissue cells, resulting in symptoms such as ear infections.
Cover It Up Or Help It Heal?
The primary function of the body is to use all parts in harmony to maintain health. Constant movement in the inner ear allows the Eustachian tubes to function properly by draining. A vertebral subluxation does not allow the Eustachian tubes to drain due to a disconnection between the brain and the inner ear. It is that simple. Covering up chronic ear infections with medication does not allow healing to happen. Hence, the use of the word chronic. Keep health simple and keep it straight. If you want more information or more specifics backed up with our research all you have to do is ask. #getchecked