Why Continue Chiropractic Care?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why Continue Chiropractic Care?

The biggest chiropractic myth out there, is “why continue chiropractic care”?  If my body is “feeling good” why would I continue with regular chiropractic care?  Simply put, it is addicting to BE healthy and chiropractic care ensures that your body is functioning at its optimal potential.  Chiropractic is specific and personalized care for every individual, your nerve system is the only one you have so you need to treat it right.  A good majority of an individual’s first visit to the chiropractor is usually for some discomfort in the lower back region.  Let it be known that the very first chiropractic adjustment was not for lower back pain, it was actually to restore the hearing in a deaf individual.  Somewhere along the line of chiropractic the words lower back pain were commonly used together.  It is true that chiropractic care can help with lower back discomfort, it is also true that usually there is still an underlying reason of why your discomfort started.

Subluxation’s are what chiropractors are trained to locate and adjust specifically.  A subluxation applies pressure on a spinal nerve thus creating an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  The spinal nerve that is controlling not only your muscles, also controls your vital organs, cells, tissues, and glands… kind of important.  Usually, before you even exhibit signs of muscle pain you will have had signs and symptoms of other nature: constipation, infertility, poor energy levels, decreased quality of sleep (the signs are different for every nerve and for everyone specifically).  Imagine a subluxation as a cavity, taking years to manifest to its true potential until you are finally aware of it.  Unlike teeth, your nerve system regulates and controls all that you do in life.  Regular check-ups allow your body to be free of subluxations.

Why continue chiropractic care?  Once the signs and symptoms are diminished it is regular supportive care to that nerve system that counts to maintain proper health.   It’s like going to the gym for the first time and “trying” it out.  Do you just go to the gym one time and end there?  Regular exercise for the entire life-span is ideal!  Regular chiropractic care to support a healthy life through a healthy nerve system.  Get your nerves checked and begin regular chiropractic care.

Read some more about the benefits of chiropractic : Click Me.



Ear Infections And Chiropractic Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Ear Infections And Chiropractic Care

Ear infections and chiropractic care, were do the possibilities end when it comes to chiropractic care?  Well, before we answer this question let’s talk about our title of ear infections and chiropractic care.  The most common form of ear infections that our children undergo are middle ear infections.  This occurs when fluid builds up in the ear due to the draining system not properly flushing fluid out of the ear.  The eustachian tube is the component of the ear that allows for proper amounts of pressure to be equalized as well as draining the ear to maintain its function.  Ear infections in children are becoming more and more chronic and are not diminishing.  Often used to treat these infections are the use of antibiotics, when in fact over 75% of ear infections are viral in nature.  Use antibiotics to treat something that is viral?  No wonder these ear infections are reoccurring; when you over prescribe antibiotics it drastically depresses the child’s overall immune system thus leading to another ear infection.  By masking the ear infection with antibiotics your child is never really healing and overcoming what brought the ear infection on.  As this model continues, the immune system is still compromised which could lead to swollen lymph nodes over time leading to some other problems.  Another model is to put tubes in your child’s ear, yet another device that is masking the true problem.

Ear infections and chiropractic care are related due to the presence of what regulates and controls the ear and eustachian tube: Nerves.  Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on the nerve system.  The nerve system is the master controller which regulates and controls all functions within the human body.  Ear infections and chiropractic care focus on the nerves that are causing the problem.  A subluxation within the nerve system creates a central nerve system dysfunction within the body, so your body in turn produces signs and symptoms.  A subluxation is what chiropractors check your nerve system for and adjust if necessary.  An ear infection is a sign and symptom that something is not working correctly.  Specifically speaking the vagus nerve in the body controls two of the four muscles directly associated with the eustachian tube.  If a subluxation is present in the body and is diminishing the communication of the vagus nerve a possible sign and symptom for your child is an ear infection.  Address the cause by addressing the nerve system.  Ear infections and chiropractic care have been proven to be effective in restoring optimal function to your child.  Chiropractic care is drug and surgery free, sounds like a win!


Want to read more on ear infections and chiropractic care?  CLICK ME to read some articles.

More Than Just Back And Neck Pain

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

More Than Just Back And Neck Pain

Back and neck pain are typically synonymous with anything chiropractic.  This thought process is very self-limiting and restricts why individuals actually come to the chiropractor.  Back and neck pain are issues to be concerned about, it is the underlying issue that needs to be focused on.  Your nerve system is your master controller of your entire body, when you have a bad experience in life such as back and neck pain you have to “blame” your nerves.  Superficially along your muscles you will feel tension, fatigue, and often knots in your muscles.  This is not normal to feel this way for extended periods of time!  This chronic fatigue and tension that you “feel” in your muscles has to start from somewhere, and more importantly has to have a reason.  If the tension and fatigue goes on for a prolonged period of time you will eventually develop back and neck pain.

All of this discomfort is produced from your nerve system.  Let’s use a common example such as sitting down and on the computer for extended periods of the day.  Sitting down and compromising “normal” curvatures of the spine by forward head position adds up over time.  Having an improper posture for extended periods of the day creates misalignment in the spine.  Misalignment creates nerve dysfunction.  Nerve dysfunction is called a subluxation, which results in improper communication between your brain and the rest of your body.  Surrounding muscles can become tight, sensitive, tense, or may even spasm.  Soft tissue will tend to swell resulting in inflammation which causes damage to your body.  Then, just then after this goes on for some time you finally have back and neck pain.  Subluxation’s are silent in nature and go on for years just like cavities in your teeth!  That is why regular chiropractic check-ups are essential for your overall health!

Health is simple, you need to listen to your body and do what it tells you!  Do not let pain be a determining factor if you are healthy or not!  Have your nerve checked before the back and neck pain set in!


The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

The rise of asthma symptoms in our society means only one thing, more people have asthma.  Simple!  We measure the health of our society either based on the elderly or the young.  For me, I like to think if our young our healthy then we as a society are healthy.  Let’s be honest, asthma symptoms have continued to rise and for some that is the least of their concerns along with their myriad of other complaints.  More and more children are diagnosed with asthma than any other “disease”.  Asthma symptoms and understanding how the body works can be the tip of the iceberg for some.  If the body is constantly expressing itself with asthma symptoms, your body is in a constant state of fight.  Realize, symptoms in one aspect of the body defines the entire body.  Just imagine how else your body is attacking itself when constantly being bombarded with countermeasures to survive.

Relating asthma symptoms and chiropractic is as easy as peanut butter and jelly.  When there is abnormal autonomic nerve system responsiveness, this contributes to pathogenesis of asthma and other allergic diseases.  Chiropractor’s check and detect for possible subluxations within one’s body and adjust those subluxations if necessary to restore proper communication.  Subluxation’s create abnormal autonomic nerve system responses.  Chronic asthma symptoms are abnormal responses.  Your body should recognize a pathogen and fight, protect itself, and WIN!  What your body should not do is have a chronic battle that is life limiting and in constant state of protection over and over again.  So, an easy way to mask asthma symptoms is through medication.  The so called quick “fix.”  How about visiting a chiropractor and addressing the cause of your health condition?  How about having your children checked for possible subluxations that can be stimulating adverse asthma symptoms?  Get checked.

The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine, William Osler, M.D..  Don’t cover up asthma symptoms, address the underlying cause.


Common Sense For The Common Cold

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Common Sense For The Common Cold

The common cold and some common sense!  Personal contact is decidedly the most likely way in which cold like symptoms are contracted.  So, are we supposed to just hibernate during the season and avoid any contact with other people?  That could work, and it would be very boring at the same time.  When your body does respond to the common cold the first line of defense is going to be sneezing and maybe a runny nose.  These can be very annoying and we are told by many advertisements to suppress these signs and symptoms.  Sneezing is a way your body defends against the common cold when your immune system senses attackers in your nasal and sinus cavities.  Coughing is another way your body defends against the common cold, yet ads in magazines and television say to take a cough suppressant or a pain reliever for a fever.  Your bodies immune system uses coughing to get rid of unwanted invaders in the throat and chest.  Pain reliever for a fever?  FACT: Viruses and bacteria cant live in higher temperatures, hence your bodies response to produce a fever to provide inadequate conditions so the invaders die.

The common cold and chiropractic! Of course we have to involve chiropractic in this discussion!  When your nerve system is free of subluxations (what chiropractors find and correct) your resistance to “catching” common cold’s are at its optimum.  Chiropractic allows your body to ward off sickness and disease by allowing your nerve system to function the way it is supposed to be, which means your immune system is 100% as well as all your other systems!  Chiropractors are the only ones that access and correct subluxations that rob your nerves of their full potential (your body’s full potential).  Chiropractic is the best PREventative measure for the common cold.

Chiropractic vs ADHD

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic vs ADHD

Chiropractic does not have medicine nor does it treat ADHD.  Chiropractic does not use a class II narcotic drug called Ritalin to suppress our children’s signs and symptoms.  When our children are distracted by their surroundings, have an inability to concentrate, and inattentive to possibly name a few of signs as parents we enter protection mode for our children.    We begin to attack their diet and look for food insensitivity, reactions, anything that might develop occurrences or flareups.  While monitoring the diet is a crucial natural step in the right direction, more can be done.  Chiropractic offers a non-drug and non-invasive method that targets the underlying problems and not just the symptoms.  When signs and symptoms of motor imbalance are apparent, something is working harder than it should be and something else is not working.  There has to be a controlled balance in order for proper development.  If our children’s motor development is in influx and motor activity is hyperactive, people begin to think ADHD.  Chiropractic does not treat nor cure, it allows your child suffering from ADHD to heal from within…naturally.

Let us take a look at chiropractic real quick for a re-cap.  Chiropractic deals specifically with the nerve system which controls all other systems.  Chiropractors check your nerve system and perform specific chiropractic adjustments to spinal vertebrae that become misaligned (subluxated) and cause dysfunction in your body, by acting (pressure) upon our nerves.  Chiropractic allows your children’s communication to run the way it should!  If the transmission is blocked from the brain to our muscles, GI system, respiratory, etc etc, then communication will be in influx causing dysfunction.  If your child is suffering from symptoms associated with ADHD then the time to act is now.  Chiropractic deals with the nerve system naturally.  Chiropractors are trained to identify neurological deficits and symptoms and overcome with healing from within.  No drugs, no dope, just letting the body heal the way it was designed.  Having your child’s nerve system checked to remove interference is something only chiropractic deals with.  Get checked!

Ticking Bomb – Low Back Pain

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Ticking Bomb – Low Back Pain

The ticking time bomb of low back pain.  If you are experiencing low back pain you are not alone.  So many people at one time or another in their life experience low back pain.  Why is low back pain a ticking time bomb?  About 75% of all low back pain cases could have been prevented if proper actions were put in motion.  What about the other 25%?  The other 25% are cases that occur in accidents, traumas, or injuries that are severely acute.  The reason low back pain is a ticking time bomb is because your body allows you to see signs and symptoms way before the sensation of pain even occurs.  Signs and symptoms of actual low back pain that counts as a “tick” of that bomb each time include, irregular menses, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, digestive issues, infertility, etc etc!  Most people say well those are just “normal” things in my life.  Wrong.  Those signs and symptoms are not normal and their is an underlying issue at hand.  The underlying issue is nerve dysfunction, a subluxation, your body performing lower than it should be.

Why does low back pain not show up first before the signs and symptoms do?  The signs and symptoms that you experience are your first warning signs of pain.  Low back pain and any kind of pain is a sensation that we FEEL.  Low back pain is a ticking time bomb due simply because we neglect the warning signs!  If you neglect the warning signs of low back pain then inevitably you will have the sensation of low back pain.  Where does the chiropractor come into this?  If you are exhibiting signs and symptoms such as some of the ones listed above that means your nerve system is dys-functioning and specifically specific nerves that control those tissues, organs, cells, glands and all their functions.  A chiropractor locates the cause of your signs and symptoms and performs a specific chiropractic adjustment.  The adjustment allows your nerves to  resume connection and establish proper communication to what they control.  No pill, no surgery, no anything can establish proper communication besides the adjustment.  Powerful!  Have your nerves checked to make sure proper communication from your nerves to your body is at optimal function.

Colic and Chiropractic Care

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Colic and Chiropractic Care

Here at Carlson Chiropractic Offices we are able to see and help all kinds of dysfunction in the nerve system!  Colic, one of the most frustrating ailments that can plague a family.  We have provided you with a little info about chiropractic care and colic.  Allowing your child to express their true self and develop is our way of helping you!


Infantile colic typically begins at about 2 to 3 weeks of age, reaches its peak at 2 months, begins to subside by 3 months, and is gone by 3 ½ to 4 months of age. The child becomes hypertonic, sometimes alternating body posture from contracting into a little ball (thighs flexed up against the abdomen and arms drawn tightly inward), while beet red in coloration, to suddenly stretching out and stiffening almost spastically. The infant is commonly fretful and inconsolable, and makes piercing cries that wrench parents into despair. But the frustrating fact remains that although one in four babies has colic and much research has been done on the topic, there is no one proven cause of colic. No one knows what colic is, but a mother knows when her child has it.

Many attempts have been made to help ease the discomfort of a colicky baby. Some common tactics used are swaddling the baby, distraction, rhythmic motion such as a swing and massage. A lesser known therapy that has been shown to improve a colicky baby’s symptoms is Chiropractic care. There have been many small studies on chiropractic care and colic with promising results. There have also been many more individual cases studies showing improvement of colic with Chiropractic care.

In 1999 a study (Wiberg JMM, Nordsteen J, Nilsson N J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1999 (Oct);22 (8): 517-522) was conducted to compare the effectiveness of Chiropractic care versus the use of dimethicone (a commonly prescribed drug for colic) in babies with colic symptoms. The results of that study showed that by trial days 4 to 7, hours of crying were reduced by 1 hour in the dimethicone groups compared with 2.4 hours in the Chiropractic group. On days 8 through 11, crying was reduced by 1 hour for the dimethicone group, whereas crying in the Chiropractic group was reduced by 2.7 hours. From trial day 5 onward the Chiropractic group did significantly better than the dimethicone group. Another study was conducted earlier, in 1985 (Nilsson N Eur J Chiro 1985;33 (4) :264-65.) and in this study (retrospective uncontrolled questionnaire) of 132 infants with colic, 91% of the parents reported an improvement, which occurred after an average of two to three adjustments, and within one week of care.

So what does a child’s spine have to do with colic? Well everything in fact. If a child has experienced a spinal misalignment during birth, or shortly thereafter, he or she is more susceptible to conditions of dis-ease. The body does not work efficiently without a nervous system working at 100% and the nervous system does not work 100% when there is a spinal misalignment or lack of motion in the spine (spinal subluxation) of an adult OR a child. Children can experience spinal subluxations during the birth process, by being constrained in-utero, or in his or her early days outside of the womb by rough handling, such as improper diaper changing skills. If an infant had a breech or transverse presentation during pregnancy, was born via c-section, with forceps or by vacuum extraction, he or she would already have a high likelihood of having a spinal subluxation which could lead to symptoms of colic in the first few weeks of life. A chiropractor would assess that child and adjust him or her to remove the vertebral subluxation to allow the body to work at 100%. As chiropractic helps to restore normal function in your child’s nervous system, your infant’s digestive tract and other related organs have a better opportunity to receive proper nerve supply from the brain, bringing it back to full normal potential. The result is a content baby and a happier you.

by vitalchiro.com