When Should A Child Begin Chiropractic Care?

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When should a child begin Chiropractic care? Right away. That just about sums up the question. Why? Do you remember what birth was like…and the answer should be no. The first AMAZING physical stressor that we ALL experience in life is birth. Making sure the nerve system is free of interference after birth can set the child up for a healthy road, opposed to a complicated road riddled with chronic illness. Unfortunately, the numbers are not adding up for our children, and now, for this generation, our kids have a lower life expectancy than us.

·  1 in 2.5 children have an allergy

·  1 in 6 children have a developmental disability

·  1 in 9 children have ADHD

The rise of autoimmune disorders is not stopping. The child’s immune system is under constant bombardment with our false intuition that we need to suppress symptoms and destroy acute illnesses. Rather than blame the immune system, focus on the central nerve system which regulates the immune systems potential. Our specialty as chiropractors is to restore the normal communication of the central nerve system through very specific adjustments over a period of time. We are removing the biggest stressor to health: a subluxated nerve system. By adjusting the spinal column, we are restoring that state of ease which allows your child to better adapt to the stressors to be dealt with in daily life.

Kids chiropractic is safe and effective and is not new! Our misconception is that Chiropractic care is for middle-aged men who “throw” their back out taking out the trash. This is the farthest thing from the truth. You wouldn’t wait to give your children healthy substantial food until their middle-ages or take them to the dentist only when their tooth hurts.

Instead of living a symptom suppressing lifestyle which is the common norm now a days, why not introduce a lifestyle of prevention and health. By focusing on the central nerve system to make sure subluxations are clear the body learns a valuable process which it builds on for the long road ahead of life. “Give me a medicine to produce a fever, and I can cure any disease” – Hippocrates. 

Early Detection: Proper Structure = Proper Posture

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Early detection is key to prevention of postural decline. A posture analysis is eye opening for many and can lead to changes that correct improper posture. The KEY to understanding posture decline is accessing x-ray analysis. X-rays give us the ability to see what is actually going on with the spinal column that directly impacts how easy or hard proper posture can be for you. To see is to actually know, and x-rays give us that valuable tool to see the structure of the spine which directly correlates to your overall HEALTH and well-being.

To understand what health is, is to understand the role of the brain and the nerves, your central nerve system (CNS). The spinal column protects the CNS… literally. The spinal column is the only boney structure that surrounds the most important component of your body, the CNS. The beginning of the disease process begins with posture distortions – Dr. Hans Seyle, Nobel Laureate.

Understand that your brain communicates to your body and vice versa through your spinal cord (which is protected via spinal bones). When a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column placing undo stress upon a single spinal nerve) occurs it creates a constant roadblock of communication that creates chaos from the brain to body and vice versa. To understand a subluxation and how it impacts your health, think of it as road construction. Imagine your spinal cord as a four-lane highway. When a subluxation occurs the four lanes reduce to one lane. Not only does your posture begin to suffer and become harder to perform, your health becomes impacted as well.

The only way to correctly find and locate a subluxation is through x-ray analysis. Then proper construction (adjustments) can occur to reestablish proper connection between the brain and body. Correcting the structure of the spinal column brings about a posture that is easy to accomplish. Ideally, our bones stack up one upon the other: the head rests directly on top of the spine, which sits directly over the pelvis, which sits directly over the knees and ankles. Good posture is critical for maintaining a healthy body and mind. 

Yep, You Might Have To Come Back To Get Better.

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Be weary, once you go to the Chiropractor you might have to go back… DUH. You will want to go back. Often times we hear this with new patients who have no understanding of Chiropractic care other than reading a blog or hearing something a friend said passing by about what Chiropractic is. “Time has and always will perpetuate those methods which better serve mankind. Chiropractic is no exception to that rule.” – B.J. Palmer.

Why would you want to come back? It’s called neuroplasticity. It’s enabling your body to adapt and heal itself. It’s not a new concept, it’s actually been around FOREVER. Your brain is designed to protect you and create a healthy living environment. Just like how a dis-ease process begins to appear or something bad happens in the body… it takes time. With neuroplasticity, the brain can learn to be in a chronic state of sickness and pain. No different than the brain creating a positive life of health.

To change the input and output of the brain takes time. When a subluxation (misalignment in the spine) places undo stress upon a single nerve fiber the entire body will become overexcited. In time this over-excitement when left uncorrected uses more than it should, consumes more tissue cells than it should, and creates a state of dis-ease in the body. Your brain begins to learn this state of living. A new reality is created in a negative presence.

Coming back to the Chiropractor ensures the right subluxations are corrected and adjusted to enable your body to build on the positive. Coming back ensures neuroplasticity is creating a positive reality with open channels throughout the central nerve system with no interference. The simplest way to think about creating positive change is to incorporate orthodontics into the equation. When is the last time you ever heard of someone asking for a “tooth adjustment” in one day to correct changes that have existed for years? Come back, it’s great for you in more ways than you can even imagine. You are 100% in control of you.  

Confused About What Chiropractic Care Is? How About What It Is Not.

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According to journalist Anna Quindlen, the greatest advance in health care in our lifetime has not been transplants or new pharmaceuticals: it has been the rise of the informed consumer. Now, with this knowledge often comes with a mix of good and bad results. Just look how the internet has changed our perspective on “How to’s” or “fix it yourself” videos or blogs that give you insight. A great example of this is Pinterest. There are whole sites out there dedicated to “Pinterest Fails” (people who have attempted to do it themselves and failed).

The message is quite similar when talking about what Chiropractic is and what it is not. Many of the confusions that come with Chiropractic are represented by Chiropractors themselves and have brought disarray to the public mind as to what Chiropractic embraces. Chiropractic does not fall into traditional “health care” as this is really a sickness business that only functions re-actively, after people have become sick. Chiropractic is about focusing health care on staying healthy and preventing sickness.

Think of a Chiropractor as a bio-engineer, they seek to correct the faulty structure of the human body and enable the body to adapt itself. We have established that a subluxation perpetuates disease by irritation of the central nerve system. This is established that a subluxation is a change in environment of a joint and that it causes irritation of the nerve system. Furthermore, the irritation of the central nerve system results in the cause of alteration in the transmission of impulses, and that is the cause of most disease.  

One fact remains and does not change for what Chiropractic is. The removal of subluxation, particularly within the vertebral column, for the correction of dis-ease and restoration of health, is Chiropractic. One may alter the method of practice for some unknown reason or alter the definition. However, the basic truth of Chiropractic cannot be altered. Anything other than this basic truth and its intended application is not and cannot be identified as Chiropractic. 

Inform yourself with what Chiropractic is and what it is not. Ask your Chiropractor! Inspire people to know the truth, seek the truth! #getchecked

Ever Hear Of A Spine Transplant?

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Ever Hear Of A Spine Transplant?

Have you ever heard of a spinal transplant?  The answer should and will be NO. However, our society consistently leans toward that kind of answer.   Let’s cut, snip, stab, and basically remove, fuse or bolt together anything that is not doing what it should be.  Once something wears out or is no longer working like it did when we were 18, we automatically lean toward replacing it.  We live in a one and done type world. What happened to the art of maintaining and taking care what you have? Now enter the words… hard work.

Why Are The Spinal Bones So Important?

The spinal bones not only protect your spinal cord but they also have just enough space between them to allow two nerves to exit out to each side of your body.  These nerves control, coordinate and transmit messages to the rest of your body so it can accomplish EVERY action in your daily life. That means every tissue cell in your body is controlled by your nerves through your spinal cord from the BRAIN!   Henry Winsor, M.D. said it best to understand the importance of spinal health – “Organs supplied by impinged nerves exhibit pathological changes and the more serious the impingement the more serious the damage.”  What’s the takeaway from this statement?  You are able to objectively judge someone’s health based on their spinal structure and integrity of their curves.  Healthy spine = healthy central nerve system = healthy body.

Will My Spine Wear Out?

What happens when you neglect your teeth?  Eventually you will lose what you do not take care of.  With the bones of the spine you are not going to “lose” them and they won’t fall out like your teeth.  What will happen is the disc spacing in-between the vertebrae will become less than it was. Even with a healthy spine the disc spacing is going to wear down.  That is NORMAL wear and tear in a human body. The spine will even lose a couple inches. It’s inevitable. It’s the way we are designed. However, when spine health is NEGLECTED  spine DEGENERATIVE changes occur. Degeneration is NOT normal. With degeneration, your spine will begin to wear out at an exceedingly faster pace. This means your health begins to wear out at a faster pace.  Take care of your spine. It’s the only health you have.


Myth: Chiropractic Is Addictive.

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Myth:  Chiropractic Is Addictive

You have probably heard people say that once you start seeing a chiropractor you have to keep coming back. Or that chiropractic is addictive.  While these statements are not factual, they do have some merit when in the proper context. When you understand how the body operates and was designed, being healthy becomes simple.

Being Healthy Is Addictive

Chiropractic is addictive or being healthy is addictive?  One is in the same.  Chiropractic is the study of life and what continues to make man live and be HEALTHY.  So, let’s break chiropractic down into general principles.  Chiropractic does not remove anything from your body (surgery), it does not add anything to your body (pills), it does not perform external interventions (lasers, lotions, potions, etc.).  After eliminating all extraneous “stuff”, chiropractic sounds pretty basic in this day and age of health trends.  Where does the addiction come from?  It comes from choice.

Adapting Is Addictive

When you understand that the human body is designed to adapt and heal itself, health becomes addictive. Why would you want to take, consume, or limit your body from what it actually needs?  Where does adapting come from? It comes from within your body, or it is innately given.  Innate intelligence – the mission of innate intelligence is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization – Chiropractic Text Book.

Living Through The Inside

The inside for this matter is the brain and spinal cord (collectively called the central nerve system, or CNS).  What is the importance of the CNS?  It made every organ, cell, tissue, and material of your body.  Every second the CNS is maintaining your life.  When the CNS has stress placed on it, the body begins to mal-adapt and become dysfunctional.  Regular check-ups via your chiropractor ensure that you have proper connection flowing through your CNS.  A healthy lifestyle begins from taking care of your CNS.  Being healthy is addictive.


My Back’s Out…And That Means What Exactly?

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My Back’s Out…And That Means What Exactly?

Oh the power of words and what they actually mean.  The most common phrase that I hear with new patients is typically, “My back’s out,” or, “Outta whack,” or something along those lines.  Now, we could just let that slide by and everything would be okay, OR we could educate and tell you more.  Before we begin, let’s clear the board and announce that in Chiropractic school, training, clinicals, national board exams, preceptorships, etc. etc., not once did we Chiropractors learn about the phrase, “My back’s out.”

My Back’s Really Out…Right?

Listen to the words we are saying, “My back’s out.”  NO, the back cannot simply “go out”.  The back doesn’t randomly decide to leave your body and go hang out at Costco without you.  Too critical?  Let’s use the word misaligned instead.  A misalignment in the spine, otherwise called a subluxation, can and does happen.  Once it occurs it will stay in that misalignment until forces (Chiropractic adjustments) begin to correct it.  Still, you cannot simply just feel like “My back’s out” or even if you try and be witty you cannot just say “I just felt a subluxation occur in my back.”

If My Back Is NOT Out, What IS Happening?

Here’s another common phrase “Don’t kill the messenger!”   When a subluxation occurs, it places undo stress upon the Central Nerve System (CNS) and can specifically irritate a spinal nerve.  This spinal nerve made certain muscles and controls certain muscles.  Therefore, when the nerve gets irritated, the muscles become irritated.  The last messages to appear after a subluxation has been existent will be chronic muscle tension, knots, and irritation.  A subluxation that goes on uncorrected and neglected for years is equivalent to your teeth not being cleaned.  As time passes, your symptoms begin to appear, and eventually when your body is in a stressed state, the PAIN messages appear.  Now your muscles, tendons, ligaments and tissue become inflamed…thus creating an episode of, “My back’s out.”

Just Get Checked

It’s simple.  If you utilize your Chiropractor correctly, you will know him before you need him.  Understand the reverse of this phrase as well.  When you do decide to get adjusted, the bone does not just simply “go back”…  It requires time and repetition for your CNS to allow your body to heal and ADAPT from the neurological strain that it was under for so long.  Just get checked!


Why Do You Have Butterflies In Your Stomach?

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Why do you Have Butterflies in Your Stomach?

Have You Swallowed Butterflies?

A good majority of people have probably experienced an episode of butterflies in their stomach.  You may have felt this sensation before a public speaking event, asking a lady on a date or feeling embarrassed for some reason.   Butterflies in your stomach is technically not a sensation, but more of a reaction.  This reaction is brought on by your innate ability to protect yourself.

Butterflies In Your Stomach Protect You!

A branch of nerves called the sympathetic nerve system is also known as your fight or flight response.  When your internal monologue enters into survival mode, you automatically trigger the fight or flight response.  The Brain-Gut connection comes into fruition with this reaction to stressors.  The brain has a tendency to “overreact” and send more electrical messages to the gut when our body is responding to stress.  Basically, it’s the muscles in your stomach freaking out.

Balancing the Stressors

The central nerve system (CNS) goes to every organ, gland, tissue, muscle and cell of the body.  Chiropractic’s focus is to allow the CNS to function without interference or to remove the subluxation.  The subluxation is a “blown fuse” and your body reacts by expressing itself outwardly via symptoms.  Chiropractic adjustments do not “cure” the butterflies in your stomach; instead they balance your stress response by releasing ‘feel good’ factors in the body.  After an adjustment, your body becomes ENHANCED and begins adapting, particularity the pre-frontal cortex in the brain which controls your thoughts, emotions, and cognitive behavior.

Watch Out For Butterflies in Your Stomach

What can we learn from this?  As we teach patients about their health and well-being, we stress the importance of knowing us before you need us.   The best time to get checked and adjusted is before your event.  You want to make sure your body is firing on all cylinders and this begins with your CNS.  Your brain controls every cell in your body, even the butterflies in your stomach.  Keep your spine aligned and the connection flowing with chiropractic.





How You “Think” Doesn’t Impact My Health…Think Again!

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Thinking Doesn’t Impact My Health…Think Again!

Think About What You Think About

Most people would suspect that physical trauma is the number one reason why people seek Chiropractic care.  But in actuality, the number one reason why people seek care is due to how they think, or emotional stress.  How you think directly impacts your health.  Early Chiropractic philosophy stated that “Auto-Suggestions” was one reason why people would seek care.  It was their inability to adapt to their own auto-suggestions.  Today we supplement the phrase auto-suggestions with stress.  Stress is what brings people into the office.  Our thinking process either creates positive affirmations or emotional stress.

The Chemical Break-Down of Thinking

When your body begins to become bombarded with obligations such as bills, taxes, and daily routines, internal changes occur that alter your thought process.  Chemically, your internal monolog will increase adrenalin, blood glucose, cortisol, and even cholesterol levels.  Serotonin will be the one chemical that actually decreases as a result of stress.  Serotonin, commonly known as the “happiness chemical”, is a huge factor in your mood and getting quality sleep to rest your body.

The Physiological Response to Thinking

The chemicals in the previous paragraph will begin to alter your brain activity and how your body responds.  So, how you think now will begin to impact your health in a way you can understand…in a way that you actually feel. Your quality of sleep is severely depleted, your immune system is compromised, heart rate will spike, and your blood pressure will begin to rise.  Along with these noticeable symptoms, you will also feel increased muscle tension and knots along the spine.  All of this as a result of your thinking!

Chiropractic Can Change How You Think

When the spine is properly aligned and free of interference, your thought process is limited in its negative abilities.  After receiving a specific chiropractic adjustment, there is a 99% correlation that your pre-frontal cortex becomes enhanced.  What does this mean?  The pre-frontal cortex of your brain controls planning, complex cognitive behavior, personality, expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior.  In simple terms, it controls how you think.  Specific chiropractic adjustments help the positive thought process.  Stay adjusted, stay positive!
