Chiropractic Care and Breastfeeding

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For many mothers and babies, breastfeeding can be a real challenge! We know that about 80-90% of mothers try to breastfeed at birth, but by 1 week of age as few as half of the mothers are still exclusively breastfeeding. What does the research say about the potential for chiropractic care to help with breastfeeding problems?

It is recommended that babies should be exclusively breastfed until they are about six months of age, but only about 1% of mothers continue to exclusively breastfeed until this age.

There are of course lots of reasons that mothers give up on breastfeeding… from sore nipples to inadequate milk supply, or baby having issues with latching or sucking. All too often these problems lead to too much pain, or even a breast infection and ultimately, and understandably, the mother gives up on breastfeeding because it just gets too hard. This is a real shame because we know that breastfeeding is important for baby’s health.

We know that babies who are breastfed are less likely to suffer from ear infections and tummy bugs, they’re even less likely to develop asthma or other conditions that can be life-threatening. It just goes without saying that nature knows best, and that breastfeeding is the optimal form of nutrition for infants. So, if someone is having issues with breastfeeding what can they do about it? Luckily help is available! One healthcare professional that many new mothers turn to for help is their family chiropractor. But why might a chiropractor help with breastfeeding? Well, the answer is simple. Chiropractors see babies to help improve the way their body and nervous system functions, so they get the best possible start in life.

But why might a baby have problems with the way they move and function? That’s another simple question to answer. Spending nine months growing in mom’s tummy can get really cramped. Before a baby is even born, the pressure they’re under in mom’s uterus can cause changes to the way their bones move and fuse together or the shape of their skull. And then the strains that the baby faces during delivery, either as they pass through the birth canal, or from forceps or other forms of assisted delivery, can cause injuries to the baby’s spine or nervous system or other joints that doctors and parents may not even be aware of.

We know that successful breastfeeding relies on lots of complex movements that involve the spine and jaw. And we know that babies with breastfeeding problems often have imbalances in the way their spine and jaw work. We also know that chiropractic care has a positive impact on the way our spine and jaw work. So, it makes sense that chiropractic care might be able to help with breastfeeding problems.

So, what does the research tell us about whether chiropractic care may help mothers and babies who are struggling with breastfeeding? At this stage, large, costly clinical trials haven’t been done to really study how much chiropractic care can help, so we can’t say for sure how effective it is. But what the research that has been done tells us is that many mothers who take their babies to chiropractors because they’re struggling with breastfeeding, report really good changes after their baby is adjusted.

In one study that was conducted in the UK, the researchers followed 114 mothers and babies who were presented to a chiropractic teaching clinic for care. All the babies were under the age of 12 weeks, and they were all unable to breastfeed exclusively.

The babies were seen by the chiropractic students up to 9 times, and the students used low force chiropractic techniques to release tension and improve muscular imbalances. The researchers were most interested in whether a baby would be able to breastfeed exclusively after they received chiropractic care, but they also looked at the mother’s rating of overall improvement and baby’s weight gain.

What they found was that all the children showed some improvement, with over three-quarters of them being able to exclusively breastfeed after just 2 to 5 chiropractic visits over a 2-week period.

From a study like this, we don’t know how much the placebo effect was involved, and with care provided by chiropractic students, we don’t know if the results would have been even better if an experienced chiropractor provided the chiropractic care. But what we do know, is this study suggests that for some babies with breastfeeding problems, chiropractic care may help mother and baby to breastfeed exclusively, which is a great thing for mother and baby alike.

We also know from other research, that when appropriately applied, chiropractic is known to be safe for kids and babies. So, if you’re having trouble with breastfeeding, it’s a good idea to have your baby checked by a chiropractor to make sure they get the best possible start in life.


  1. Miller et al. JEBIM 2016;21(2):85-91.
  2. Fry. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr 2014;14(2).
  3. Alcantara et al. Explore (NY) 2015;11(6):468-74.
  4. Miller et al. J
  5. Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(8):670-4.
  6. Patel & Patel. Journal of human lactation 2016;32(3):530-41.
  7. Vallone. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr 2004;6(1) 7. Waddington et al. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2015;115(11):654-65.
  8. Morrison & Chariker. The Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 2006;104(4):136-40.
  9. Kirschner et al. Plastic and reconstructive surgery 2002;109(7):2338-46;
  10. Chaturvedi et al. Spine 2018;9(1):103-18.
  11. Haavik et al. Brain sciences 2018;8(5)
  12. Henderson. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2012;22(5):632-42
  13. Todd et al. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2015. 38(9):699-712
  14. Doyle. Clinical Chiropractic 2011;14(3):97-105.


  • Dr. Heidi Haavik – BSc(Physiol) BSc(Chiro) PhD
  • Dr. Kelly Holt – BSc, BSc(Chiro), PGDipHSc, PhD
  • Dr. Jenna Duehr – BChiro, BHSC (Nursing), MHSc

Preventing The Age “Disease”

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How many times does one associate something negative happening to their body with the saying, “Guess it’s just old AGE”? In the most honest way ever of conveying this message to you, regardless of what you have been told, age is NOT a disease.

Everyone ages, we’re  supposed to. The “effects” that either slow or accelerate the process is ultimately determined by you and your actions. When it comes to “anti- aging” consumer products, we often get too involved in the outside paint job and how we look. The paint job may look well and dandy, but remember you only get one engine to run with. That ‘engine’ being the central nerve system-the inside of the body that runs all other systems and coordinates all actions that you perform.

How do you take care of your central nerve system? By fine tuning the ‘engine’ with regular spinal check-ups to detect and correct vertebral subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column creating nerve interference). By maintaining the health of your central nerve system, you will be able to age at your appropriate ‘rate’.

Paraphrasing Ruth Jackson, MD, on the etiology of aging in the spine, “If any single aging process exists, it is not known at the present time, intrinsic and extrinsic factors are involved undoubtedly. Biomedical science has sought to define the fundamental basis of aging, but the origin of biological aging remains an enigma.”

How much “Chiropractic Care” does my body need to put up a preventative act? It should be such that the level of care is equal to that of your lifestyle. There are lots of different engines out there designed for different lifestyles, all still requiring certain levels of regular maintenance to prevent the inevitable aging process. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure ”- Benjamin Franklin.

Give Yourself Time To Re-Organize

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Organization is ideal for your life, work, family and household . But it is also important for you.  The body is crated to be organized in a healthy manner. Without this proper organization the body is unable to coordinate and adapt to the loads it is placed under. When we begin to de-clutter the house it is realized that we are doing this to allow proper function of the household – which comes with organization. Same thing with our bodies. Sure it’s great to”feel and look” good, but how about functioning BETTER?!!!

Let us establish that health exists from within the body first and foremost. The central nerve system (CNS) being all there is to sustain all other systems of your body. When we neglect our CNS and accumulate health problems in our life the fast-food mentality of “now” does not fix what has been done. Years of abuse, denial, bad advice and illnesses accumulate until one can no longer recognize the healthy state the body used to be in.

The principle of time – There is no process that does not require time. When you are on the road to recovery understand that it is a road for miles to come. It’s actually better that way. Giving your body the ample time to heal the tissue cells that have become impacted allows your body to re-organize and adapt for future stressors. Instead of sweeping debris under the rug, why not actually take the time to clean it up correctly and go after the actual causes of bad health. And remember time can either be a friend or an enemy. If we do the right things most of the time we will reap the benefits. Contrary, we will have to deal will the effects!

Your body is a temple and when that temple begins to accumulate health problems, organization is key. Health problems are like clutter in your house and you begin to horde them over and over again missing the reality that accumulation of bad habits can happen just like good habits. When organization is lost so goes your health.

By the time many people are ready to take control of their CNS they understand that one adjustment does not suffice. Subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column create dis-coordination creating instability within your health). Cleaning the house the natural way takes time to allow your body to adapt and heal form subluxations that have reorganized matter in a bad way. Take care of your health starting with the CNS, your life depends on it. 

Kids Chiropractic Office

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Why kids Chiropractic office? The more important question is- why would we not have an office with a focus on Kids and family? Our approach is not new and it is backed by science, more importantly though its backed by common sense. Becoming aware of making healthy choices for your kids is a process that leads to a fulfilling life for them.

Unfortunately, we have this misconception of something “new”. A newborn child is something “new”. A new vehicle that you buy and drive off the lot is new, looks new, drives new, and yet still along the way will need maintenance to ensure optimal function of those smooth, “new” mechanics. If you do not take care of the necessary precautions or maintenance of a machine it will in turn break down faster.

We have been indoctrinated that kids are “new” and nothing bad can happen to anything “new”. On the contrary. The human body is, and will always be, the first “machine” ever created. Think of it, in with good air and out with bad air. In with good food and out with bad food…etc, etc. Systems (ex. respiratory) of the body are set in place for a purpose to maintain and create health in its existence starting from the minute of birth.

The first system of the body that is created to MAKE all other systems and then regulate, control, and coordinate their actions is the central nerve system (CNS). With such an important infrastructure that the CNS has to maintain on a daily basis, wouldn’t it make sense to get “it” checked to ensure optimal function for a young developing kid?

A subluxation is a misalignment that occurs within the spinal column that disrupts the communication LINK between the brain and the body. And YES, it even happens in kids. It can even happen during the birthing process or during the first time you are breast feeding your child. We are not one to speculate on how the subluxation occurred, we are here to show awareness of what needs to happen. Chiropractic check-ups to ensure optimal development from within the body. A healthy spine is foundational key for a healthy CNS which equals a healthy child.

4.5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor During Your Pregnancy

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4.5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor during Your Pregnancy

4.5 reasons to see a chiropractor during your pregnancy.  Why 4.5?  This is a blog, and literacy standards and protocols go out the window and we are allowed to do whatever we want.  A mom’s body is constantly changing and altering in order to develop a child. Every source of nutrition, function, and coordination to the developing child is sustained and controlled via the mother’s central nerve system and her spinal health.  Healthy spine = Healthy Pregnancy.

1. The Most Notorious = Pain

Low back pain is caused by pelvis dysfunction.  The body is changing and adapting to the new physical stress placed on it.  Most expecting mothers will try to off-set the developing child and create a type of “sway-back” that ultimately creates more problems than it should.  According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) 16/17 women saw clinical improvement from of back pain and relief from discomfort after seeking chiropractic care.

2. Shorter Labor

According to the CCA, 50% of mothers will experience easier labor and delivery with regular chiropractic check-ups.  With regular spinal checkups the pelvis and sacrum can be balanced, creating the environment for an ideal birth.  A balanced pelvis eliminates undue tension to muscles and ligaments which will enhance optimal fetal positioning.

3. Regulating Your Hormones

Relaxin.  One of the “top” hormones that is essential for pregnant mothers is also a hormone that creates constant instability in muscle tissue.  80% of pregnant women did not receive treatment for muscle pain related to pregnancy while under chiropractic care.  Regular spinal checkups can help regulate relaxin levels, resulting in less muscle pain and tension.

4. Supporting Mother’s Health

Healthy living can be over-whelming and daunting for expectant mothers.  With regular check-ups not only are you supporting your physical needs, your emotional needs become elevated as well.  Your overall quality of pregnancy will increase by allowing you to maintain your activity level (motion).  Because life is motion and motion is life.

4.5  The Just In Case

The breech position.  Chiropractors have been trained in and can utilize a specific technique called the Webster’s Technique.   The Webster’s Technique has an 82% success rate in moving babies from breech to cephalic position.  Considering the high rate of cesareans today (plus the unwillingness of more OBs to deliver a breech baby), the Webster technique should be an option for every eligible pregnant woman.  Just in case.

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

One of the most important times in our lives – pregnancy.  Making sure that the mother is doing everything that she can to have an awesome amazing pregnancy comes with standards.  Regular check-ups with your midwives / OB/GYN, taking essential nutrients, and of course more naps!  Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy  is fundamental to ensure pre and post lasting results not only for the mother but child as well.

Hormonal Changes

Every experience that we encounter in life is processed and coordinated via your nerve system.  Chiropractic keeps the nerve system properly functioning so you can experience a pregnancy that is ideal.  Hormonal changes are typically one of the biggest factors that expecting mothers tend to “feel”.  By properly accessing the nerve system hormonal balances can be achieved to make sure that everything is working accordingly.  Hormones directly affect not only emotions but also muscles, ligaments, and tendons that are growing and developing.

Pelvic Changes

As the anticipation date of actual birth comes into fold, the amount of changes that the pelvis encounters is substantial.  The amount of pelvic imbalance is another reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy.  Pelvis misalignment may reduce the amount of room for the developing baby and cause unnecessary discomfort for the mother.  Distortions in the pelvis also have the ability to cause problems for the baby to make it down for the birth process itself.

Other Benefits Of Care

Overall functioning during pregnancy for the mother is very ideal.  The ability to maintain a healthy pregnancy comes from a balance: healthy lifestyle, diet, and regular check-ups to your nerve system.  The central nerve system is the master controller in the body, balancing proper nerve tone is the first step in a healthy and amazing experience.  The benefits can reduce labor, decrease nausea, relieve overall joint pain

More information about chiropractic care during pregnancy click on the link.  Click Me. 

Going Through Pregnancy Like a Rockstar

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Going Through Pregnancy Like a Rockstar

Pregnancy is a monumental experience for any female…and yes the dad as well!  When you are going through pregnancy you “experience” some different things in life!  Some of those “experiences” people think are uncontrollable.  Morning sickness, nausea, back pain, pelvic pain, shortness of breath etc etc.  You must get the idea by now!  These symptoms you think are the normal process of pregnancy and you have to deal with it?  Wrong, with chiropractic care you can drastically decrease the signs and symptoms you have never experienced before.

Your nerve system is the master controller of EVERYTHING you go through and experience in life.  Your nerve system is learning to deal with something growing inside of you, better to have your nerve system rocking and rolling at 100% to battle your new signs and symptoms!  Your body begins to adapt to the presence of something else inside of you and without proper communication you exhibit signs and symptoms that people believe are “normal” during pregnancy.

The presence of a vertebral subluxation (what chiropractor’s find and correct) will interfere with the body’s ability to have proper communication back and forth.  If your body starts to have improper communication back and forth your body starts to exhibit signs and symptoms (morning sickness, nausea, back pain, pelvic pain, etc etc).  Why?  Your body is trying to tell you that something is not functioning correct and YES, the presence of a vertebral subluxation is evident!

Vertebral subluxation’s do not equate to healthy changes in your body.  Add in a growing baby using up much of your body’s resources to survive and grow within you, and you can begin to see where a subluxation can wreak havoc on the health of a pregnant women.  The nerve pressure and tension caused by the spinal compensations in the spine may lead to improper signals to be sent to various organs and tissues.  Pressure and tension on the nerves in your mid to upper thoracic spine may lead to decreased function of the heart and /  or lungs.  This may result in an added shortness of breath.  Or maybe high blood pressure, adding to that risk of preeclampsia.

You deserve to have the best chance at a successful pregnancy and childbirth, and you can only do that with a nerve system that is running free and clear of interference.  Make sure to get your nerves checked!