Learn Why Patience Is Key To Healing Your Body

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Patience is the Key to Healing Your Body

Teaching Patience to Patients

In this day and age the status quo is living in the fast-food lane, meaning we want things to happen NOW.  The age of patience is becoming a lost art. Industries will cater to this fast-food lane mentality and sell you products, trends, fads, and gimmicks, trying to convince you that something can happen in the NOW.  The “sale” that strikes a nerve with chiropractic care is emergency or urgent care.  Unfortunately my profession will sell you the quick “fix”.  Chiropractic care is not an emergency room or urgent care.  Chiropractic enables your body to adapt to the external stressors that plague it.  Feeling good just comes with the territory.  If you only come in to see the chiropractor when you’re in pain, then you should only eat healthy food when you get sick.  It takes time for your body to heal and adapt.  It takes patience.

The Truth about Patience in Healing

Nobody is too busy to heal, it just comes down to your priorities and choices you make in life.  Chiropractic care is not designed to make you instantly feel better.  It is actually designed to instantaneously begin the healing process and allow your body to adapt to your stressors.  Simple enough? Patience is fundamental with chiropractic because adapting to your stressors is a process, not an event.

The Father of Patience

“Healing is a matter of time, it is sometimes a matter of opportunity,” – Hippocrates.  Think of it this way.  If you work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday, and a good majority of that time you are sitting at a desk utilizing a computer, a substantial amount of physical and emotional stress is placed on your body.  Chiropractic care enables your body to adapt to the external stressors in your life.  If you have complete loss of patience you will just conform to the “status quo” and take medication.  Your body will always go through stress, but it’s your innate responsibility to promote adapting.  Adapting comes with understanding how patience is required in healing.  If you get a cut, a scab will form and you will heal.  If you break a bone, you will heal.  The same can be said for just about ANYTHING in your body when you give it time.  Chiropractic care paired with patience will promote adapting and healing within your body. #getchecked

Feed Dis-ease Or Prevent Dis-ease. Choose Wisely?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

If You Believe You Can…You Will!

Is it just a belief or is it a fact that you can choose to be healthy?  Both are actually true.  Science supports that if you choose to be healthy you will be healthy.  Notice the word “choose.”  If you believe you will be healthy… you still have to act upon that belief.  You must lay down the foundation of health and what it means.  Getting checked by your chiropractor, exercising, watching your posture, and putting the right food in your body are all great examples.  Prevention does not come in the form of a pill.

Dis-ease vs Disease 

Referencing the Chiropractic Textbook by R.W. Stephenson 1927 he defines dis-ease and disease as:

Dis-ease defined.  “A Chiropractic term meaning not having ease; or lack of ease.  It is a lack of entity.  It is a condition of matter when it does not have the property of ease.  Ease is the entity, and dis-ease the lack of it.”

Disease defined.  “Disease is a term used by physicians for sickness.  To them it is an entity and is worthy of a name, hence diagnosis.”

In order to simplify the difference between dis-ease and disease, we break down the meaning of entity.  Often when we classify someone with the entity of disease, we say they things such as, “That kid is autistic,” or, ” I am diabetic.”  By putting a label on somebody we dismiss the person as an actual human being and classify them as the disease, which is not the case.  The body having lack of ease will create symptoms to remind us that something is amiss in the body.

You Cannot Catch Disease

Literally what the title states, you cannot simply catch disease.  In our society we often hear that someone “caught” this disease.  When in reality you did not catch anything.   If your tissue cells have uncoordinated and non-adaptive properties, your body will be dysfunctional as a result.  Remember, health is hard-work!  Chiropractic ensures that your master control system, the central nervous system, is working at optimal potential.  When the brain is functioning correctly and without limits, the body is at ease.


Why Kids Chiropractic?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why Kids Chiropractic?

Why kids chiropractic?  Why not!  Our kids our going through some important milestones as they continue to grow and develop.  All of these developmental milestones are regulated and controlled by their nerve system.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist who locate and if necessary adjust subluxations that create dysfunction in the body.  A subluxation creates a central nerve system discommunication with the rest of the body by placing stress on the nerve system itself.  Kids experience rapid development of their spine and nerve system in their first years of life.  By seeking regular chiropractic care, you allow your kid to develop and function to their optimal potential.  Chiropractic is noninvasive, no medication is required, and no surgery is required.  Specific chiropractic adjustments allow the body to heal by returning normal communication to and from brain to body.

In some cases people might say that kids chiropractic is not valid because they don’t have back pain  Back pain?  Judging our child’s health based on pain is a flawed system.  When we say that adjustments allow the body to heal by returning normal COMMUNICATION to and from brain to body, we are saying that initially there has to be a disconnect.  A disconnect in the human body occurs at the nerve system level, specifically speaking a subluxation.  A disconnect allows signs and symptoms to appear: colic, constipation, digestive issues, ear infections, sensory processing disorders, asthma, allergies and other challenges.  Our newborn child or developing kid is not going to be telling us about pain, they are going to be admitting sign and symptoms to let us know that something is wrong.  Kids chiropractic focuses on improving proper development by allowing the body to communicate without a disconnect.  Suffering from health challenges for a kid is not the way to go nor is it normal development.  Kids chiropractic is for all kids regardless of challenges to ensure a sustainable life.


Our Chiropractic Team Members

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Our Chiropractic Team Members

Better late than never!  Heather Lusignan has been with us for several months now and is helping us change the outlook on health in this community.  It was time to give her a little shout-out and learn a little more about her.  To see all our chiropractic team members they can found by following this LINK   and reading their quick bio’s.  

Heather originally from Texas, grew up on a small ranch near Galveston, TX.  Heather’s family decided to move to the Northwest when she was 12 years old.  Heather attended Central Washington University with a BA in Anthropology.  Heather has traveled and lived in numerous states in the Northwest region.  Calling Flathead “Home” to her means she can spend time with her family and enjoy the outdoors.our chiropractic team

Heather brings a warm and friendly smile to Carlson Chiropractic Office.   When the front office is filled with laughter look to Heather.  Heather strives to make every experience a memorable one and to make sure you feel and know without a doubt that you are important to us.

The Fact’s Of Scoliosis Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Fact’s Of Scoliosis Chiropractic

Some cold hard facts of scoliosis chiropractic care.  Scoliosis chiropractic care is essential and vitally important to correct the on-going posture distortions that will plague an individual if uncorrected.  Scoliosis is improper curvatures of the spinal column when looking at another individual face on.  Your spine is designed to have three major curvatures when visualizing someone from the lateral aspect.  When someone has curvatures in their spine when looking at the front of the individual that causes harm to their body.  Your spine encloses and protects the most important system in your body, the nerve system.  If there are improper curvatures within the spine then, as a direct correlation you will have dysfunction within your nerve system.  Are you wondering if scoliosis chiropractic care is for you?  If you have a nerve system then yes!

Many think that genetics or a deformity in the spine causes scoliosis.  While these two variables can play a part in scoliosis, the true cause relates to the functional activity of the nerve system.  Muscles play a major role in keeping the spine straight.  Your musculoskeletal system is regulated and controlled by your nerves.  So, your muscles will not receive proper communication and thus results in scoliosis.  Scoliosis chiropractic care focuses specifically on the function of the nerve system.

One of the major components of scoliosis chiropractic care is proper X-ray imaging.  X-ray imaging is essential to visualize and perform specific adjustments to the vertebrae of concern.  Here at Carlson Chiropractic Office we utilize full spine X-rays to visualize and take the time to properly access everyone individually.  Scoliosis chiropractic care has to be specific and personalized for everyone.  Taking care of your spine ensures that health and longevity will continue via a healthy nerve system.  Now is the time for scoliosis chiropractic care!  Have your nerves checked.

The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

The rise of asthma symptoms in our society means only one thing, more people have asthma.  Simple!  We measure the health of our society either based on the elderly or the young.  For me, I like to think if our young our healthy then we as a society are healthy.  Let’s be honest, asthma symptoms have continued to rise and for some that is the least of their concerns along with their myriad of other complaints.  More and more children are diagnosed with asthma than any other “disease”.  Asthma symptoms and understanding how the body works can be the tip of the iceberg for some.  If the body is constantly expressing itself with asthma symptoms, your body is in a constant state of fight.  Realize, symptoms in one aspect of the body defines the entire body.  Just imagine how else your body is attacking itself when constantly being bombarded with countermeasures to survive.

Relating asthma symptoms and chiropractic is as easy as peanut butter and jelly.  When there is abnormal autonomic nerve system responsiveness, this contributes to pathogenesis of asthma and other allergic diseases.  Chiropractor’s check and detect for possible subluxations within one’s body and adjust those subluxations if necessary to restore proper communication.  Subluxation’s create abnormal autonomic nerve system responses.  Chronic asthma symptoms are abnormal responses.  Your body should recognize a pathogen and fight, protect itself, and WIN!  What your body should not do is have a chronic battle that is life limiting and in constant state of protection over and over again.  So, an easy way to mask asthma symptoms is through medication.  The so called quick “fix.”  How about visiting a chiropractor and addressing the cause of your health condition?  How about having your children checked for possible subluxations that can be stimulating adverse asthma symptoms?  Get checked.

The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine, William Osler, M.D..  Don’t cover up asthma symptoms, address the underlying cause.


Family Health Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Family Health Care – Carlson Chiropractic Offices

Why family health care?  Great question!  It is our responsibility to raise the awareness of what health is and what it is not.  Your body develops, grows, heals, and deteriorates on the cellular level.  Your body is constantly being resurrected one cell at a time.  The integrity of those cells depend upon a healthy functioning nerve system coordinating that action and forming the building blocks for life.  Chiropractic is the only profession that focuses specifically and solely on the function of the nerve system.  Your nerve system is the master control system of your entire body.  If you want to express life to your fullest potential and live without limits, this requires a healthy functioning nerve system.  We say family health care because everyone uses their nerve system!  

Family health care is simple.  In our world today we complicate it way to much and don’t have to. If the signals from the master control CENTER (brain) are normal then the body functions normally.  If there is a “disconnection” from the brain to the organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc then the body responds with signs and symptoms.  This “disconnection” is caused by a vertebral subluxation.  A vertebral subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that festers with time, it takes time to exhibit the signs of pain that most people associate chiropractic with.  In actuality the signs and symptoms should be the first cue for you to visit your chiropractor.  Think of a subluxation along the lines of a cavity.  Halloween rolls and along and parents instantly think that cavities are going to appear the next day.  Cavities take time to express themselves into the actual sensation of pain.

Family health care is simple!  Having a clear and connected nerve system ensures optimal potential.  No medication needs to be taken and nothing from your body needs to be taken away.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way your body is intended to.  Yes, we realize that healing takes time.  Healing is not just the removal of pain, it’s the return of life and living it.  Family health care is that simple!  


Chiropractic And Allergies

By | Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic And Allergies

Hereditary, pollen, food, itching, swelling, histamines, just a couple of words that people associate allergies with.  How about associating allergies with immune system function and response?  More importantly the role between chiropractic and allergies.  Why do some people respond differently to some things than others do? Let’s begin our crash course in the body.  Your central nerve system controls and processes all incoming and outgoing information (so, everything that you do, think, or want to do) and yes, it controls and regulates the immune system.  Basically, your central nerve system is like the control tower at the airport, if there is a bad experience with allergies and your body, blame the control tower not the planes.

Now, your control tower is very smart and intelligent and tells your immune system to release histamines when something attacks your body.  This is what your body is supposed to do, naturally!  If something such as a subluxation (vertebrae causing dysfunction in the nerve system) causes dysfunction in the control tower, then proper messages to and from that immune system are not going to be connected properly.  What can be a consequence?  Improper releasing of histamines in your body!  So, the solution that we hopefully ponder is to take anti-histamines and suppress our immune system?  Taking something externally to “fix” something internally just does not sound right, it’s just a patch-job (if that, sounds more like insanity).  Recognize, that a subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that goes on for a prolonged period of time and basically just festers in your body causing all sorts of dysfunction.  Understand dysfunction reveals itself initially by signs and symptoms and we begin to live with them and think it is normal for us.  What does chiropractic and allergies have in common?  In chiropractic we seek to find the cause of the dysfunction.   Chiropractic and allergies you need to realize is not a cure, it’s healing, and in healing your body overall becomes stronger.  Have your nerves checked for possible subluxations causing dysfunction within your body.


What Does It Mean to “Throw Out My Back”

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

What Does It Mean to “Throw Out My Back”

Oh no, I probably will “Throw out my back” if I do that, said no one ever (hopefully).  The expression “Throw out my back” is generally used in a catch-all term to classify some immediate sharp and focal pain in our lower back region.  It is not associated with us actually throwing something out, such as the garbage but usually involves some sort of acute low back pain.  So, what actually happens to my body when I “Throw out my back?”  A number of different reasons could have caused the incident resulting in usually one outcome.  The outcome is the pinched nerve, also known as subluxation, also known as nerve interference.  Your outcome can result in having the muscle, tissue, ligament, tendon, disc doing something that it shouldn’t be.  When you have dysfunction in your body, well your body will let you know.  Hence, “Throw out my back” results in acute low back pain.

I “Throw out my back” all the time and just pop some pain killers and am ready to go in a day or two.  That’s scary.  All of a sudden when we think the pain is actually gone we believe that we are back to normal.  Unless your body is clear of nerve dysfunction then you are ready to rock n’ roll again.  Your body is only clear of nerve dysfunction after seeing a chiropractor and receiving specific adjustments.  Here is why.  Nerves have nine primary functions.  One of those functions is sensory (sensory transmits the sensation of pain).  Nerves only transmit 1/3 of pain.  Nerve tension can and does exist without pain.  Even though you “Feel Good” and those pain killers took the edge off, you are not out of the blue just yet.  Have your nerves checked for dysfunction so that your body heals and adapts to the “Throwing of the back incidents”.

The Webster Technique For Pregnancy

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The Webster Technique For Pregnancy

The Webster technique is safe, non-invasive and effective at generating results.  As with all chiropractic techniques, the words safe, non-invasive and effective should always be in the title.  When people think about the Webster technique they assume breech position.  Rightfully so and much more.  According to the ICPA:  “The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction.  In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”  As with any pregnancy, the amount of distortion and discomfort due to subluxations is focused around the pelvic region.  Having regular check-ups by your chiropractor will alleviate the amount of stress that your body is undergoing.  This, in turn, will reduce muscle, ligament, and tendon tension.  

Going through your pregnancy with optimal fetal positioning is very ideal.  Utilizing regular chiropractic check-ups allows your body to function at its optimal potential.  Why is it beneficial to visit your chiropractor for regular check-ups during pregnancy? Misalignment’s of the sacrum creates tightening and torsion of the pelvic muscles and ligaments. Due to increase of hormones, weight gain, and postural adaptions, pregnant mothers have a higher chance of sacral subluxations and neuro-biomechanical imbalance than others.  If stress takes over the pregnancy and your body does not overcome and adapt by itself, mal-positioning of the fetus can occur.  C-section is typically what results when the mal-positioning occurs.  When successful, the Webster Technique avoids the costs and/or risks of external cephalic version, cesarean section, or vaginal trial of breech. In view of these findings, the Webster Technique deserves serious consideration in the health care management of expectant mothers exhibiting adverse fetal presentation (Pistolese 2002).  Our education at Palmer College of Chiropractic included the foundation and assessment of utilizing the Webster Technique.   Pre-natal chiropractic care sets the foundation for a healthy and vibrant life.


Click me for more information regarding the Webster Technique: Click ME

Pistolese,  Richard A. “The Webster Technique: A chiropractic technique with obstetric implications “ Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics – July 2002 (Vol. 25, Issue 6, Pages E1-E9)