Learning From Goldilocks, Putting Health Into Perspective

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, inflammation | No Comments


Learning From Goldilocks; Putting Health into Perspective

Everyone remembers the fairytale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  What can we learn from Goldilocks?  During her quest to find what was ‘just right’ she went through porridge, chairs, and beds.  Goldilocks found some things too hot, and some things too cold before finding the just right.  The body’s self-regulating capacity is extraordinary and innately knows what is “just right.”  Unfortunately, our society allows us to cover-up and suppress innate actions that we were born with.

Temperature IS A GOOD Thing…In Perspective

Goldilocks knew when sampling the porridge which one was the right temperature.  When your body produces too much temperature, aka inflammation, initially it is a good thing, as long as your body adequately adapts to what it is “inflaming” from.  Too little temperature and the body suffers as well. Maintaining balance is regulated and controlled via your central nerve system.

Get Rid Of The Cover-Ups… Get Rid Of Goldilocks

The cover-ups that inhibit your body from healing and adapting are artificial stimulants, or drugs.  When we consume mind altering substances they attempt to artificially make things ‘just right’ by creating improper chemical reactions.  Drugs are a crude attempt to make everything ‘just right’ in the body.  You must take care of yourself on a regular basis to remain healthy and it is not in the form of a pill.  Goldilocks did not belong just like cover-ups do not belong.  Listen to what your body needs, let your body be your guide.

Health Is Your Central Nerve System

Health begins and ends with the master controller, the central nerve system (CNS), which is perfectly protected by your skull and spine.  By removing interference and stress on the spine, the CNS will make sure that everything in your body is ‘just right.’  Influence the system that controls all other systems of your body and natural NORMAL healing ensues.  #getchecked

Chronic Ear Infections: Covering Up Or Healing

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

When the word chronic is used to describe a health condition that you have, typically 10 out of 10 times it will be a bad thing.  Why?  Well, first of all you do not hear people saying “I am chronically healthy!”  Many mothers who bring their children into our office for chronic ear infections typically do so as a last resort.  We think that chiropractic care is only for backaches…which is an absolute lie and false information.  Chiropractors are trained experts in the detection and adjustment of vertebral subluxations.  Vertebral subluxations cause chronic ear infections.  What is a vertebral subluxation?  Let’s continue!

The Actual Cause Of Chronic Ear Infections

The actual cause of all dysfunction in the human body, such as an ear infection, is vertebral subluxations.  The vertebral subluxation represents all physical disease in the body.  How and why?  A vertebral subluxation limits the body from adapting and healing.  It places undo stress and tension on the central nerve system, which controls all life.  This then restricts all messages sent throughout the body, or in this case, the inner ear.  When the central nerve system is limited by what it can do, in-coordination occurs within the body.  In-coordination will cause neglect of tissue cells, resulting in symptoms such as ear infections.

Cover It Up Or Help It Heal?

The primary function of the body is to use all parts in harmony to maintain health.  Constant movement in the inner ear allows the Eustachian tubes to function properly by draining.  A vertebral subluxation does not allow the Eustachian tubes to drain due to a disconnection between the brain and the inner ear.  It is that simple.  Covering up chronic ear infections with medication does not allow healing to happen.  Hence, the use of the word chronic.  Keep health simple and keep it straight. If you want more information or more specifics backed up with our research all you have to do is ask.  #getchecked


Overcoming Chronic Inflammation

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Overcoming Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is becoming more of an acceptable form of  “sickness” in our society.  Typically we aim to eliminate a sign or symptom and assume we are okay.  This thought process never addresses the underlying reason for the disturbance in the first place.    In order to discover what inflammation is you have to understand how the healing process works.  To discover healing look first towards the tissue cell.

Irritated Tissue Cell = Chronic Inflammation

The tissue cell is the smallest part of the body.  Each cell is designed to give service to all parts of the body.  Cells allow transmission for healing and inflammation to occur.  There are lot’s of signs and symptoms associated with inflammation.  Healing begins with inflammation.

What is Chronic Inflammation

Your entire body is an organism that is derived of different parts.  Each tissue cell is specifically designed for a duty to perform for the organism (body).  Inflammation initially is seen as a positive act within the body.  This is a result of  some sort of pathogen, irritant, or other force that is disrupting tissue cells.  As a direct results of the initial attack the body triggers a defense response: inflammation.  Immune cells are then initiated to express their function to defend the entire organism.  When the body is not able to ADAPT  and overcome this initial inflammation, it then becomes chronic.

A Change In Lifestyle

While a healthy response is better than no response you still need to adapt.  Chiropractic care allows your body to properly adapt.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the central nerve system which regulates all tissue cells.  Subluxations within the spine create dysfunction with the nerves.  Subluxations “squeeze” these nerve fibers basically creating downed power lines.  They might look happy, yet they are dangerous.  Address the spine first when looking to change your output of life.  A healthy spine is equivalent to a healthy body.  Life is easier.  Proper transmission lets you live at your max without chronic inflammation.

How To Beat Chronic Inflammation

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

How To Beat Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation giving you a run for your health?  Address the cause of the inflammation at the root regardless of obstacles in your way.  Inflammation is a very strategic part of the body helping to defend itself.  Seen as a positive factor that your body initiates to combat.  Certain times the bodies immune system will call to action a defense in order to adapt.  Certain times is used very loosely, as becoming chronic means dysfunction within the body.

The Tissue Cell Versus Inflammation

Cells are the building blocks of life and specifically speaking the tissue cell is the master of all cells.  The tissue cell is at the center of development and thus maintaining our ability to be who we are.  Your bodies inability to adapt to stressors in your environment in the tissue cell creates chronic inflammation.  The tissue cell is regulated, controlled, and coordinated via your central nerve system.  Addressing the cause of something is looking specifically towards the nerve system first.

A Sign & Symptom

Any sign and symptom your body throws your way is initially a positive thing.  Yes, initially it might be burdensome and not really “fun” to experience.  Your body is attempting to adapt and to heal from some sort of stressor placed on it.  When a sign and symptom appears even before you realize it, inflammation has begun.  Your body begins to work harder and faster than it needs to in order to survive and adapt.

Consistency Is The Magic Bean

Everything takes time.  The body is no different, in that in order to obtain optimal function you have to be willing to give it time.  If your body is under constant stress and never “getting” over something, then your basically bordering on insanity.  Regular check-ups to access how your nerve system is functioning allows your body to adapt.  By stimulating the nerve system your body is properly coordinated and enables the tissue cell to decrease the chronic stress response.