Be The Huck!

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The elusive huckleberry plant! The season is upon us to start harvesting, so find your favorite patch, and start picking some hucks! One of the interesting things about huckleberries is they are very very BERRY hard to domesticate and grow yourself. People have tried in many different ways, with many different variables, to create their own “huck” patch. The fact remains that current research states it is almost impossible to domesticate the wild huckleberry species.

Attempting to alter the natural state of “wild huckleberries,” and domesticating them for farming, personal, or other use, seems incongruent with what they are: wild. Consider the fact that if you want some hucks, you’ve gotta’ get out, hike up, climb down, and pick away. There’s no shortcut. Too often, we try a shortcut with our health, trying to find something else that will make it easier. In reality, the health game, much like the pursuit of the wild huckleberry, cannot be domesticated and made any easier that it actually is.

Chasing the newest and latest health trends will not change, capitalism allows such things to flourish. When it comes to your health, look no farther than your central nerve system (CNS). The fact remains that your CNS made every organ, cell, tissue, and gland in your body. Without the proper functioning of the CNS, your body would be in a constant state of disease.

The good news it that Chiropractic care is specifically and solely health based. Chiropractors focus on health, and what causes someone to be and stay healthy. It just so happens this is directly associated with your CNS! You cannot have abundant health in life, and neglect your CNS. This is fact.  

If you want to earn some huckleberries you must work for them and put the effort in, fact. If you want a balanced CNS that promotes vitality in every system of your body, you must also put some effort in. Health will disappear if you do not take care of it! So get out, hike up, climb down, and pick away! While doing so, you will continue to prove facts that have survived the test of time. 

How Much Are You Worth?

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How much are you worth? What’s the criteria we are measuring? Your health. How much is your health worth to you? Invaluable should be the answer you are looking for. A sense of urgency is what keeps your health ESSENTIAL all the time. Not just during seasons of life when something “bad” happens like the COVID. Invest in your health on a daily basis and the outcomes will be reaped for the long-term.

How much is your health worth to you? Unfortunately we have raised a society where bad health is really expensive, and price tags begin to add up when we neglect our health. Especially during this season of our life and everyone being directly impacted by the happenings of our world.

If this season of life is your wake-up call, fantastic then! Use it to your advantage and begin a life of health. Start with your central nerve system. It controls and made every part of you. Sound like your worth enough now?

In the study of Chiropractic we cannot emphasize enough the concept of prevention. From the minute of conception to the minute of death your life is run and controlled via your master control system – the central nerve system. Chiropractic ensures optimal efficiency and coordination with the central nerve system by adjusting specific areas of interference.

When spinal imbalances occur, a subluxation (misalignment within the spine placing stress upon a single nerve) lowers the body’s adaptability threshold. Your bodies adaptability is referring to how you respond to stressors and how you are able to overcome health problems that arise.

Instead of waiting for things to happen, why not take the stance of being PRO-active. Be honest with yourself and own your health now instead of attempting to “get” it back later. An old adage of health is as such – ” Young man who spends his time to gather wealth will neglect his health, and later in life will spend his wealth to gather his health.” Own your health now and invest in what you were born with.


Correct Digestion Issues

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Digestion issues unfortunately, in our society, are becoming the new “norm.” It’s almost to the point that if you do not have any digestive issues you are considered “weird”. Digestion, aka gut, is an important topic of concern due to the fact that it is known as the second brain. The rational and reasoning behind this is because approximately 70% of the immune system is housed in the gut.

A healthy gut starts at birth. Normal vaginal deliveries help inoculate the newborn with an overabundance of microbes. This begins the learning process of the immune system. To keep the learning process clear and functioning begins with working on the upper cervical neck region. Often people hear of the “Brain Gut Connection” phrase passed around when talking about digestive issues. This is due to the fact that the upper cervical nerves control, regulate, and made the gut.

A subluxation (misalignment in the spinal column) places undo stress upon a single nerve fiber, thus creating a chemical cascade of events known as dis-ease. Which means that literally your body is not at “ease.” What occurs first will be dysfunctional gut problems, better known as symptoms. What have we been told to do when symptoms occur…suppress them with drugs. Suppressing a symptom never corrects the cause and never allows the body to heal. Looking to the spine first and foremost by correcting subluxations will enable the brain – body connection to be fully established.

Don’t treat symptoms. Chiropractic can get your digestive system working by focusing on the cause. Research, published in the November 2002 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR) demonstrates that chiropractic care may be effective in helping patients with allergies and Crohn’s Disease. What’s considered an allergy in the gut? A chronic hypersensitivity of an over-stimulated immune response. The response coming from the brain via a nerve to the tissue cells of the gut. Once again, the focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.

Misdiagnosed And Living With The Aftermath…Find The Cause

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Misdiagnosed And Living With The Aftermath…

Find The Cause!

The great challenge of understanding the body is listening to what it needs.  Signs or symptoms that the body presents are ways that the brain communicates that dysfunction is occurring internally.  No one was born to be sick or riddled with chronic ailments in the body. Oftentimes, people will be diagnosed with a label or some form of condition that just so happens to “fit” what they are experiencing.  All too often people are misdiagnosed or even over diagnosed with label upon label just because their experiences fit the textbook norm of that diagnosis. Instead of accepting a false label or going down multiple rabbit holes why not trace your “effects” back to the cause.

The Cause Behind The Label

Your super information highway, a.k.a the Central Nerve System (CNS), controls every function and action  you experience in life. It does this by creating and replenishing the body via its building blocks…tissue cells.  Tissue cells make up organs, muscles, ligaments, tendons and everything in your body. When the CNS experiences dysfunction within the spinal column via a subluxation (misalignment creating nerve pressure), the specific spinal nerve will lose its normal tone.  Over time, when a subluxation exists uncorrected, the vital organs that are supposed to be properly supplied will receive more messages than they should or not enough. This will be classified as HYPER (more than) or HYPO (less than). This can relate to GI problems. Hypersensitivity would lead to IBS as hypo-sensitivity would lead to constipation.

Regardless of the label that you receive, the nerve is still not in proper tone which creates dysfunction in the CNS leading to damaged tissue cells.   Tissue cells, as a result, will become plagued and over time the body will produce symptoms. Standardized tests might produce findings or might not. What they show might not help you.  What you are prescribed to take to combat the symptoms might produce other symptoms by destroying perfectly healthy tissue cells. Find the cause by addressing the CNS.