Reminder: Save Your Life

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Do you have a messaging system that is designed to keep your life in check? There are things that are designed to save your life: seatbelts, airbags, life-vests, etc. The problem with some of these “devices” is that we still have the option to use them. Take for instance the seatbelt, since 1968 all vehicles in the United States were required to have seatbelts. Yet, the decision of many not to wear seatbelts is still a “thing,” so we have to have annoying seatbelt notifications sounding if we don’t wear them.

How about a lifestyle that is designed to promote your health and well-being?Enter Chiropractic. Our philosophy is based on science and validity that your central nerve system is the master system within your entire body. This encompasses our brain and spinal cord which starts from innate intelligence which is organized with the brain (mind) to be the headquarters of your life.

Think of your brain as the “clearing house” for the operation of the Law of Demand and Supply. “The brain is the one mathematically absolute place from which your innate intelligence governs the body and coordinates all its actions.”- Stephenson. The goal of receiving Chiropractic adjustments is to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health, thus creating a life of quality, abundance and growth.

Health begins within your central nerve system, so objectively it is very safe to say that your life depends on the health of your central nerve system. Applying a lifestyle that includes Gonstead Chiropractic care promotes health, thus maintaining quality of life. Things that work should not be taken for granted and we should not have to be reminded. Yet, if you do and want to promote your quality of life from within, begin with Gonstead Chiropractic care. Also, remember  a helmet does save a life as well :).

Can You Hear US Now?

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Healthy actions are habits that you can create for yourself by implementing the appropriate steps. Yes, we understand it’s the New Year and it seems cliché to do something NEW. Guess what? Your “health” isn’t new, and many are just becoming more aware of it based on the year 2020.

Remember the Verizon commercials where the character would ask, “Can You Hear Me Now?” Your health does the same thing when you are living in a subluxated state.

A subluxation is a misalignment within the spinal column, creating interference between the brain and body communication, thus altering your body’s ability to adapt to the external environment. One cannot function at an optimal potential when living in a subluxated state.

Specific adjustments eliminate the interference and enable the body to communicate effectively . Your body begins to tell your brain “Can You Hear US now”! You become more aware of what is happening, as well as becoming in proper tune with your surroundings.

When addressing health, look to the spine first and foremost. If you want to create new habits such as exercise and diet, yes those are fundamental truths that work. However, don’t forget your “healthcare” stems from the beginning which created all, which is the central nerve system. The expression of your central nerve system is your healthcare. “A habit is the very tiny evolutionary beginning of an instinct, and it is easy to understand that an instinct is not easily changed.”- Stephenson.

“Symptoms can then serve as a warning or a message that something needs to be explored or changed in one’s life. And because illness is a message, if we treat only its physical manifestations, it can linger on or recur until the message is heeded.”-Dennis T. Jaffe, Ph.D

I Am Always Stressing Out

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Are you tired of the current cycle that your health is caught up in? If so, it’s good you’re reading this because it’s not just a self-help blog that will provide you with advice and hopefully life changing experiences. Nope, we are real and this is real life!

We cannot simply tell people to stop stressing out all the time! This kind of advice is always easy to give when both the advisor and advice don’t have to lift a finger for it. The experience we offer is open to everyone. The only contradiction you may face is the will of western medicine to pull you back into their mindset and just go with the “status quo flow.” The status quo flow just to take medication(s) to mask symptoms instead of diagnosing and treating the underlying causes.

By showing up to the Chiropractic office you are involving yourself in the best kept secret of actual health care. Why? It’s no secret that most people would rather take a pill than actually begin to heal. But guess what?! We’re going to help you to invest in your health by incorporating prevention. While other professions are concerned with changing environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to “suit” environment.”- B.J. Palmer, D.C., P.h.C

Stress impacts all of us on a regular basis, automatically altering health. The good news is that Gonstead Chiropractors are trained to monitor and keep your Central Nerve System free of interference that you begin to build up over a weekly basis. Think of it this way, “you cannot have a nerve without a thought and you cannot have a thought without a nerve.”

The more your CNS is out of balance, the more every physiological function within the body, from breathing to hormonal production, is changed. Break the cycle by continual spinal check-ups. Remember a vertebral subluxation is not a singular episodic event. Thus the correction may be corrected but later reappear, calling for careful monitoring and may result in a wide variation in the number of adjustments required to affect a longer term correction.

Aging Is Not A Disease.

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The older we become, the more marketing material we receive about our “declining health.” While it can be true that the older we get the more difficult it is to maintain optimum health, there are other things to consider. Think of it this way: the human body is the first “machine” ever created. All other machines take notice to the human body.

We need to get over the false narrative that aging is a metaphysical “thing” and that  everyone will be plagued with it. Let’s first establish that aging is NOT A DISEASE. We can all agree that there is a big difference between a living body and a dead body. And we are lectured  by the medical community, drug companies, western medicine, govt..etc) who make money off the sick that there is nothing we can do about getting “old”.

Research can actually get things wrong! Take, for instance, spinal degeneration. This degeneration is not caused by “natural” aging. Spinal degeneration is due to a subluxation (a misalignment within the spine, altering the body’s  behavior to adequately adapt to external stressors). As a result, the disc space does not get proper movement and becomes malnourished. Furthermore, when the body lives in a subluxated state, over time the disc tissue cell becomes “replaced” with bone tissue cell.

You see, once a disc tissue cell is changed to a bone tissue cell, the process cannot be reversed. It’s not normal, but it’s not due to aging, because there are young people with spinal degeneration that has accumulated over time, unnoticed and unchecked. The good news is that this is not a DISEASE. When a subluxation occurs it happens in two segments. If spinal degeneration was actually a “disease” as is falsely claimed, then the entire body would be riddled with decay.

Believe in yourself and take care of your body! Aging can be beautiful if one makes good choices and does it well.  Chiropractic keeps the body as a properly functioning machine by accommodating and making sure the central nerve system is in harmony with every part of the body. “In a state of health, people are shut off from the invasion of germs”- Louis Pasteur.

Trust The Doctor Too Much?

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Trust. Such an interesting word that we have a tendency to throw around without any merit or justification behind it. There are fundamental “Trusts” that we accept at a very young age, such as trusting our parents to look after us when we are young and developing. However, it seems the older we become, the less often we actually truly trust people. Now throw in the phrase, “Trust Me I’m A Doctor..” and hopefully your eyebrows will begin to rise up.

When our office meets a new patient, we often hear, “I dont trust doctors.” It’s a true statement that has validity. Just because someone has a title or letters after their name does not justify that trust should automatically be implied. Just as if someone holding office wants to be trusted, it does not mean that trust is automatically implied. 

Trust is defiantly earned through relationships. Here at Basler Family Chiropractic we get to EARN your trust. We believe in the patient centered model, which purpose is to educate and inform so that you are the “informed consumer”.

What are we informing you of? Health care. We believe and know that health is given to all and exists primarily through the central nerve system (CNS). As Gonstead Chiropractors we assume the responsibility of allowing your CNS to function free of interference allowing your brain and body to be at its ideal environment to adapt to the stressors that you place upon it.

We earn your trust by providing you and your family with healthy results that last a lifetime. Free of drugs, surgery, or any other invasive entity that is external and foreign to the body. If you are looking for purity in the human body trust  in your body’s innate wisdom by keeping your CNS free of any interference.  

Your Body, Your Health. Choose Wisely

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Your body your choice…right? Of course the answer is YES. The year 2020 has us looking at health differently. Some interesting changes have occurred, mostly related to the pandemic. While our current “model” of  health is now changing, there remains one constant: a preventative lifestyle. Chiropractic’s course of action is just that!!

Many people assume that if they don’t have a disease, they are healthy. However, this may not always be the case. Preventive measures fit well into a healthy lifestyle. 

As opposed to the popular belief, just because you are not sick does not mean that you are healthy. Yes, you actually have to work hard at being healthy. No different than you have to work hard to be unhealthy. I am often reminded of the documentary Super Size Me when the film-maker “learns” an unhealthy diet impacts his overall health and well-being.

Your health can be robbed from you when you’re  not looking and paying attention. We become distracted with unnecessary problems that we cannot control. What we can control is our health. Starting with the most important system that regulates your health, the central nerve system.

Any interference known as a subluxation within the spinal column will create dis-organized chaos in your health and well-being. A subluxation will directly impact your systems. Even your immune system. When you have an infection, injury, trauma, or stress response that challenges your immune system your NICU’s (neuro-immune cell unit) release cytokines to help with the trauma. Every moment you spend being in a subluxated state you are silently creating abnormal physiological function to exist.

These NICU’s are always sensing information and processing it back to the brain to gather intelligence of pathogens or immune challenges that counter your health. Remember your body is designed to be healthy, in order to keep it that way you have to become exposed to certain stressors that create a healthy immune response. Chiropractic releases your body’s innate healing ability. Your body does the healing.

Beat The Burnout Of Health “Fads”

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Here we go again! Burnout happens for numerous reasons, often being associated with boredom and even insanity. And when it comes to our health, there is an entire INDUSTRY designed to make us believe it has our best interests in mind. Yet by now most of us realize their real belief is profit.

Too often third parties will influence government to make some of these healthier “fads” a nation wide priority (I will not talk about drugs and pharmaceuticals right now). Consider the “Low Fat Diet.” This message started in the 1960’s. Gaining steam and momentum by the 1980’s, it was heavily endorsed by physicians, the Federal Government, the food industry, and media.

Skip the burnout effect of trying the newest and latest. Do what works. Do what science has validated through trials, cohort studies, controlled trials, etc….EVIDENCE. Specifically, evidence that was presented years ago and can be challenged today. Some still hold merit and validity while others don’t. Here are two examples:

  • From the 1930s to the 1950s one of the most powerful phrases one could hear is “doctor recommend” when it came to SMOKING. Obviously any research today completely disengages any study that was performed.  This equates to no validity by today’s standards.
  • In 1993 Ontario Ministry of Health In Canada commissioned a study that looked at the effectiveness and cost efficiency of Chiropractic care for low back pain (Manga, et al. 1993). It concluded that Chiropractic service is the most cost effective option and that Chiropractic services should be fully insured under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. This still holds merit in today’s society, which equates to still having validity!

Chiropractic care is the study of health and what causes people to BE and continue to BE healthy. Prevention. Think how cool this is. Every single time you receive an adjustment to a subluxation within the spinal column your brain becomes enhanced, thusly performing better. Take for instance the cerebellum, which is a central integrator for all SENSORY information which is vital for fine tuned coordinated movements, speech, breathing…get the point?

You don’t need to go to the Chiropractor to find out that exercise and diet are important. When a physical problem arises, a physical solution is needed. This is why Chiropractic emphasizes the action of preventative steps to keep and sustain your health long-term. 

The Impact Of Worry On Your Health

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Worry much? The easy solution would be to simply tell you to stop worrying and focus on living. More often than not this is easier said than done. What we “need” more than ever is healthy people to adapt and overcome the external stressors (media, politics, etc) in life that produce worry. In other words, learn to train your body to do good.

In order to prevent the chemical overload of emotional stress on the body, we need to implement strategies to promote our HEALTH and well-being. We all know diet and exercise are vastly important. However, many don’t realize the importance of maintaining spinal alignment to enhance and better their health. It just so happens that our emotions can create the realities in our brains and visa versa. The highway of communication for these interactions takes place via the central nerve system (CNS) which is protected via the spinal bones.

Chiropractic offers health care that is noninvasive and non-addicting. It allows proper connection between the brain and body to enhance your health and create adaptive positive changes on a continual second to second basis because our external stressors are always changing.

We need to start implementing ADAPTIVE behaviors in our lives. Obviously this begins with first and foremost taking care of one’s health and addressing the CNS, the master control system in charge of not only regulating the immune system, but also any thoughts and behaviors that lead to positive actions.

It’s called positive plasticity. The more you recruit your CNS to do something positive, it is rewarding to every tissue cell in your body. Learn to smile more, ride a bike, type, learn a musical instrument, eat your favorite food. The body rewards positive behavior.

The opposite of positive plasticity is maladaptive plasticity. The body can learn to be in a constant state of survival (fight or flight.) We can learn to dysfunction just like we can learn to ride a bike. We see that things like negative self-talk, bad habits and poor sleep can begin to add up and manifest into so much more. A good analogy is an ice-berg. You will always see the tip of the ice-berg and what it creates, when the real danger is hidden from view.

Give Yourself Time To Re-Organize

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Organization is ideal for your life, work, family and household . But it is also important for you.  The body is crated to be organized in a healthy manner. Without this proper organization the body is unable to coordinate and adapt to the loads it is placed under. When we begin to de-clutter the house it is realized that we are doing this to allow proper function of the household – which comes with organization. Same thing with our bodies. Sure it’s great to”feel and look” good, but how about functioning BETTER?!!!

Let us establish that health exists from within the body first and foremost. The central nerve system (CNS) being all there is to sustain all other systems of your body. When we neglect our CNS and accumulate health problems in our life the fast-food mentality of “now” does not fix what has been done. Years of abuse, denial, bad advice and illnesses accumulate until one can no longer recognize the healthy state the body used to be in.

The principle of time – There is no process that does not require time. When you are on the road to recovery understand that it is a road for miles to come. It’s actually better that way. Giving your body the ample time to heal the tissue cells that have become impacted allows your body to re-organize and adapt for future stressors. Instead of sweeping debris under the rug, why not actually take the time to clean it up correctly and go after the actual causes of bad health. And remember time can either be a friend or an enemy. If we do the right things most of the time we will reap the benefits. Contrary, we will have to deal will the effects!

Your body is a temple and when that temple begins to accumulate health problems, organization is key. Health problems are like clutter in your house and you begin to horde them over and over again missing the reality that accumulation of bad habits can happen just like good habits. When organization is lost so goes your health.

By the time many people are ready to take control of their CNS they understand that one adjustment does not suffice. Subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column create dis-coordination creating instability within your health). Cleaning the house the natural way takes time to allow your body to adapt and heal form subluxations that have reorganized matter in a bad way. Take care of your health starting with the CNS, your life depends on it. 

Welcome To What We Believe

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In this office we are Subluxation based Chiropractic care. We do not perform this because it is the doctrine in Chiropractic care. We do this because it is what Chiropractic care is. In short we are to detect and correct vertebral subluxtions by hand. Chiropractic’s definition itself was developed by Reverend Samuel H. Weed which means “done by hand”.

Some people think that Chiropractic is supplement use, vitamins, physical therapy, lasers, or other forms of modalities that are not congruent with what Chiropractic actually is. Many will attempt to “add” or limit what Chiropractic care really is. Fortunately the Subluxation model of established Chiropractic care has not been proven wrong. Genuinely speaking, Chiropractic care is working without having to “add” more.

In this office we utilize the Gonstead System Of Chiropractic which incorporates full spinal analysis to detect and corrected vertebral subluxations within the spinal column, using our tools of choice…our hands. X-ray analysis is utilized to access each spine differently ensuring your care is specific to you and, more importantly, warranted for a correction. We understand that subluxations are created by the body’s inability to adapt to the loads (stress) under which you place it. The effects of subluxations:

  • decreased vitality
  • impaired immune response
  • altered metabolism/physiology
  • altered cognitive function
  • altered behaviors
  • altered genetic expression

We believe in this office that our model of Chiropractic care is the most practical solution for you. We understand that the most probable outcome of a negative health consequence begins within the spinal column. Our focus is not to make people dependent on Chiropractic care, but rather to allow one to understand what the body is capable of while under Chiropractic care. This offers an the most practical reward for sustaining health without adding or subtracting from it.

We believe that we are crucial to the transformation and expression of allowing natural health care for the human race. Remember even long before the profession of Chiropractic was established in 1895, Hippocrates in 460 B.C. attested and said, “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”