Stop The Insanity…Look For The Cause

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, energy, immune system | No Comments

Stop the insanity. Expecting the same results over and over again is not an ideal situation to be in. When it comes to your health, there will always be the latest and greatest health trend to emerge and last for a short while. Why? Often times, the things that are the hardest and yet simplest to perform, are overlooked by public interest growing a new trend. When it comes to your health, the foundation starts and ends with the central nerve system.

A teacher and a student were walking along a riverbank talking about life. When both of them noticed someone in the river drowning. The student immediately jumped in to save the drowning individual and pull them to safety. As the teacher and student continued their walk they noticed another person in the river drowning, once again the student jumps in to save the person and pull them to safety. As they continued their walk this event continued to happen and finally the teacher kept walking to find the cause. The teacher, instead of saving the drowning individuals, searched for the cause and found that these people were jumping off a bridge.

This is a simple story to gain insight on addressing the cause instead of performing the same actions over and over with little to no results. Rescuing drowning people is a noble quest, yet addressing the cause and educating before they jump is even more noteworthy.

Everyone should know something about the spine which protects your central nerve system. That knowledge would give all people a much better understanding of one of the marvels of the body. It would enable each individual to reason the “how and why” of ill health. When it is understood that every tissue cell, and every organ of the body is connected to and controlled by the central nerve system, then one can more readily grasp the importance of maintaining a spine free of dysfunction.

Correct Digestion Issues

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Digestion issues unfortunately, in our society, are becoming the new “norm.” It’s almost to the point that if you do not have any digestive issues you are considered “weird”. Digestion, aka gut, is an important topic of concern due to the fact that it is known as the second brain. The rational and reasoning behind this is because approximately 70% of the immune system is housed in the gut.

A healthy gut starts at birth. Normal vaginal deliveries help inoculate the newborn with an overabundance of microbes. This begins the learning process of the immune system. To keep the learning process clear and functioning begins with working on the upper cervical neck region. Often people hear of the “Brain Gut Connection” phrase passed around when talking about digestive issues. This is due to the fact that the upper cervical nerves control, regulate, and made the gut.

A subluxation (misalignment in the spinal column) places undo stress upon a single nerve fiber, thus creating a chemical cascade of events known as dis-ease. Which means that literally your body is not at “ease.” What occurs first will be dysfunctional gut problems, better known as symptoms. What have we been told to do when symptoms occur…suppress them with drugs. Suppressing a symptom never corrects the cause and never allows the body to heal. Looking to the spine first and foremost by correcting subluxations will enable the brain – body connection to be fully established.

Don’t treat symptoms. Chiropractic can get your digestive system working by focusing on the cause. Research, published in the November 2002 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR) demonstrates that chiropractic care may be effective in helping patients with allergies and Crohn’s Disease. What’s considered an allergy in the gut? A chronic hypersensitivity of an over-stimulated immune response. The response coming from the brain via a nerve to the tissue cells of the gut. Once again, the focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.

Freedom Of Health

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This time of year is always very exciting. Fireworks, friends, family, parades we will indeed celebrate to our fullest potential. We live in a special place where we have freedom to act and think however we please, without hindrance or restraining order. Nothing is sweeter than Freedom! Like the America’s departing from the Monarch of Britain, we can depart from the restraints that are holding us back from freedom in health. Our true potential awaits! Chiropractic had not been established in 1776, however we now offer a better way for you and your family to achieve freedom in health. We can all agree that health is not valued until it has been lost, laying in the hospital bed, sick at home, or watching a loved one suffer. This negative experience begins the typical model of traditional medicine: Crisis occurs, and we respond re-actively, due to the circumstances, over and over again in a continual cycle. Were you or your family members just unlucky or is there something else going on? Why did Jimmy get sick, but Timmy did not? True health cannot be found in a bottle, vile, or anything external. Health is found within.

Your Nerve System, the most important structure in your body controls and mediates the healing process of every cell, every tissue, and every organ. The reason why Jimmy got sick and Timmy did not, is solely their body’s ability to adapt in an environment. The key player that causes the Nerve System to have a hindrance or restraining order is a subluxation. The subluxation reduces our freedom of health because it places undo stress on the most important structure in our body. Thus we lose our ability to be our best and most expressive self. With the liberation of these subluxations through specific Gonstead chiropractic adjustments, the Nerve System is freed and expression is restored. In life you are either constantly heading towards sickness or heading towards better health. When we observe our health with an ability to adapt to our environment, instead of fearing the unknown timing of a crisis, we can work proactively on your health. This way of life results in achieving true freedom in health and a break in the continual cycle. We were designed to be dynamic, limitless, and free. We thank you for seeking your fullest potential and better health.

Early Detection: Proper Structure = Proper Posture

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Early detection is key to prevention of postural decline. A posture analysis is eye opening for many and can lead to changes that correct improper posture. The KEY to understanding posture decline is accessing x-ray analysis. X-rays give us the ability to see what is actually going on with the spinal column that directly impacts how easy or hard proper posture can be for you. To see is to actually know, and x-rays give us that valuable tool to see the structure of the spine which directly correlates to your overall HEALTH and well-being.

To understand what health is, is to understand the role of the brain and the nerves, your central nerve system (CNS). The spinal column protects the CNS… literally. The spinal column is the only boney structure that surrounds the most important component of your body, the CNS. The beginning of the disease process begins with posture distortions – Dr. Hans Seyle, Nobel Laureate.

Understand that your brain communicates to your body and vice versa through your spinal cord (which is protected via spinal bones). When a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column placing undo stress upon a single spinal nerve) occurs it creates a constant roadblock of communication that creates chaos from the brain to body and vice versa. To understand a subluxation and how it impacts your health, think of it as road construction. Imagine your spinal cord as a four-lane highway. When a subluxation occurs the four lanes reduce to one lane. Not only does your posture begin to suffer and become harder to perform, your health becomes impacted as well.

The only way to correctly find and locate a subluxation is through x-ray analysis. Then proper construction (adjustments) can occur to reestablish proper connection between the brain and body. Correcting the structure of the spinal column brings about a posture that is easy to accomplish. Ideally, our bones stack up one upon the other: the head rests directly on top of the spine, which sits directly over the pelvis, which sits directly over the knees and ankles. Good posture is critical for maintaining a healthy body and mind. 

Chiropractic Kids – Staying & Being Healthy

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Chiropractic Kids – Staying & Being Healthy

Chiropractic kids – staying and being healthy is a really big statement and mouthful.  If your under the mindset that chiropractic is simply for middle-aged males who work in a factory and have chronic low back pain, then this is for you.  Let’s back it up a little bit and start with the very first chiropractic adjustment.  In 1895 the very first chiropractic adjustment was not for lower back pain or neck pain, it was to restore hearing in a deaf individual.  Most kids are not going to be suffering from back or neck pain, instead they suffer from colic, chronic ear infections, asthma, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, bed wetting, and the list goes on and on.  Chiropractic kids are visiting their chiropractor to make sure that their body is running and developing at their top potential.

There is a direct correlation that after receiving a specific chiropractic adjustment that your body has no other option but to function properly and restore the healing process.  For example, think of any sign or symptom that your body produces.  This sign or symptom is initially your bodies way to adapt and begin the healing process.  If the sign or symptom becomes chronic and leads to another sign or symptom then we are never getting better.  Chiropractic kids have no other alternative but to function and perform at their optimal potential.  This is accomplished by having a clear and connected nerve system.

Staying and being healthy on a day to day basis comes with its struggles.  The nuts and bolts of staying and being healthy begins and ends with the nerve system.  Chiropractic kids not only have a higher prevalence to prevent signs and symptoms but they also respond faster and get stronger through it!  Have your child checked for possible nerve dysfunction to ensure they are developing at their fullest potential.  Would you like to learn morn about chiropractic kids? Click Me for available research.