As The Twig Is Bent So Grow’s Your Child’s Spine

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As The Twig Is Bent So Grow’s Your Child’s Spine

Stimulate and energize natural health at the beginning of life.  Why would you want to wait and attempt to mend or restore the spine in later stages?  There is nothing that will give you greater physical, mental, or psychological pleasure than to cultivate good health.  Good health will give you more energy than a pep pill.  It will make you see, feel and hear to the fullest potential.  The early years of life are monumental in sustaining and prolonging good health.  Increase resistance and reduce susceptibility by becoming proactive in you and your families spinal care.

Life Happens

The early years of life is when the central nervous system (CNS) is at its most active and development is just beginning to take place.  Even going back to after conception and the embryonic stage the CNS is the first thing to flourish.  This includes the baby’s brain, spinal cord, and nerves to develop arms, legs, tissues and everything that makes you, you.  The condition of your child’s spine and nerve endings during the early formative years will play a role in his or her future health.  There are certain windows of opportunity when tissues and organs are still developing during the early stages of childhood and a seemingly unimportant spinal injury erupt  into adulthood illnesses.  For this reason alone it is especially important that children’s spines be periodically checked by a chiropractor.  Prevention beats correction every time!

Turn On Chiropractic

Children do suffer from misalignment’s of the spinal column through falls, sports, minor incidents and stress, these misalignment are called subluxations.  When a subluxation goes uncorrected it will place undo stress on the spinal nerve leading to a lack of functional impulses from the brain.  Impulses are constantly sent from the brain, down the spinal column and branched out to every part of the body.  A subluxation will interfere with the nerves ability to properly coordinate and regulate life.  The severity of illness depends on the degree to which life force is shut off by a subluxation resulting the the nerves inability to function correctly.  Chiropractic restores life by releasing imprisoned life impulses. #getchecked


Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

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Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

Sustaining your immune system is imperative every part of the year.  There just so happens to be a big push and advertisement swing during the winter months in the northern hemisphere for several reasons.  The first reason is the most obvious yet often blurred due to the fact that buying the latest and greatest immune system “boosters” is a money maker.  Are people really trying to help you “boost” your immune system with the latest and greatest? Remember capitalism is the name of the game. Instead of the latest and greatest ways to boost your immune system, stick with what works and has worked for very  long long long long (you get my drift) period of time.

Who Do You Trust

Take, for instance, something off the shelf. Do you read labels of these claims, that your immune system will become “75% better after consumption”, and yet it’s  sold at the local gas station? Do you trust that everything is safe because it wouldn’t be sold if it wasn’t? This responsibility of making sure something is safe to consume comes down to the hands of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  According to the 2003 report of the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, a survey of CDER reviewers revealed that 66% lacked confidence in the FDA’s safety monitoring of marketed prescription drugs, and 18% had felt pressure to approve a drug despite reservations about its quality, efficacy, or safety.

David Graham, Associate Director of the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety stated, “The FDA is inherently biased in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. It views industry as its client, whose interests it must represent, it views its primary mission as approving as many drugs as it can regardless of whether the drugs are safe or needed.”, recorded in an interview that appeared in Fraud Magazine (September/October 2005 issue).

Normam Shealy, MD, PhD, International Institute of Holistic Medicine, MO:  “Interestingly, the ‘PharmacoMafia’ has to find evidence of only 5% above average placebo of 35% to claim a drug is ‘effective.’  No drug is 100% effective and virtually all produce complications called side effects. The bottom line is: What does effective mean? What does evidence – or science – based mean?”

You’ve Got To Nourish To Flourish

You’ve got to nourish the inside of the body to take care of the outside.  Sustaining the immune system is a YEAR round project. The immune system does choose to take days off and begin functioning during the winter months.  The central nervous system plays a major role in immune function. Do whatever you can to keep your immune system working properly by removing any source of irritation and keeping your spine healthy and aligned. Nature needs no help, just no interference – B.J. Palmer.


Misdiagnosed And Living With The Aftermath…Find The Cause

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Misdiagnosed And Living With The Aftermath…

Find The Cause!

The great challenge of understanding the body is listening to what it needs.  Signs or symptoms that the body presents are ways that the brain communicates that dysfunction is occurring internally.  No one was born to be sick or riddled with chronic ailments in the body. Oftentimes, people will be diagnosed with a label or some form of condition that just so happens to “fit” what they are experiencing.  All too often people are misdiagnosed or even over diagnosed with label upon label just because their experiences fit the textbook norm of that diagnosis. Instead of accepting a false label or going down multiple rabbit holes why not trace your “effects” back to the cause.

The Cause Behind The Label

Your super information highway, a.k.a the Central Nerve System (CNS), controls every function and action  you experience in life. It does this by creating and replenishing the body via its building blocks…tissue cells.  Tissue cells make up organs, muscles, ligaments, tendons and everything in your body. When the CNS experiences dysfunction within the spinal column via a subluxation (misalignment creating nerve pressure), the specific spinal nerve will lose its normal tone.  Over time, when a subluxation exists uncorrected, the vital organs that are supposed to be properly supplied will receive more messages than they should or not enough. This will be classified as HYPER (more than) or HYPO (less than). This can relate to GI problems. Hypersensitivity would lead to IBS as hypo-sensitivity would lead to constipation.

Regardless of the label that you receive, the nerve is still not in proper tone which creates dysfunction in the CNS leading to damaged tissue cells.   Tissue cells, as a result, will become plagued and over time the body will produce symptoms. Standardized tests might produce findings or might not. What they show might not help you.  What you are prescribed to take to combat the symptoms might produce other symptoms by destroying perfectly healthy tissue cells. Find the cause by addressing the CNS.

What Do You Consider Pain To Be?

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What Do You Consider Pain To Be?

What do you actually consider pain to be?  When we typically think of pain, we assume it is associated with slamming your hand in a door or some sort of injury, trauma or action that produces the sensation of discomfort.  Our culture assumes that chiropractic care is strictly for pain relief. Furthest assumption from the actual truth. The first “pain” that you might experience may not be a pain at all.   The first sign of a spinal problem is actually the first symptom you have.  A symptom being: lethargy, constipation, IBS, allergies, migraines, infertility, reflux and the list goes on and on.  Symptoms should be the first “PAIN” that is recognized. It would be easier if we ended the symptom with the word pain: lethargy pain, constipation pain, IBS pain, allergy pain, migraine pain, infertility pain, reflux pain…and so on.

Symptoms Are Pain And Pain Are Symptoms

They are one and the same.  Symptoms are pains and pains are symptoms.  Even the definition of SYMPTOM (a sign of the existence of something, especially of an undesirable situation…) states that any known symptom is painful due to the fact that it is undesirable.  Too often we simply get used to a symptom and it becomes a part of our life and we accept it.  When this happens, you are learning to live with pain. Why not learn to live freely and without the presence of dysfunction within the body.  No one was born to be sick.

Take The Road Less Traveled

The easiest way that your body will let you know that dysfunction is present will be through red flags, alarms and any other way to communicate internally that something is amiss.  Your body lets you know via SYMPTOMS. When a nerve is unable to supply the proper demand of energy to the visceral (cells, tissues, glands, organs) the body begins to “act out”. The nerve supply is hindered via a subluxation that exists and limits the potential of the visceral it is supposed to coordinate.  Address the symptoms at the root of the cause. Look to the spine for the cause.

If You Don’t Start Right You Won’t End Right

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If You Don’t Start Right, You Won’t End Right

Much like anything in life, it’s all about the beginning and maybe a little bit about the end.  How so? Let’s use this example: how do you build a house? Would you start building the roof first and put all of the shingles up and THEN start with your foundation?  I hope not! It’s all about the start, the building of the foundation to establish a strong structure in the end. In Gonstead chiropractic, we cannot stress the importance of establishing a balanced and healthy pelvis, a.k.a the foundation of the spine.

It’s A Solid Chunk Of Bone

You have two pelvic bones; left and right.  Early on in development each pelvic bone initially starts off as three separate bones.  It’s not until we mature and fully develop that each pelvic bone becomes one solid chunk of bone individually.  When the pelvis is subluxated, there is a direct relation to other subluxations in the spine; a domino effect. In Gonstead chiropractic, we cannot stress enough this relationship within the body.  It just so happens to be that this idea did not originate with Dr. Gonstead. It’s been around for a long period of time. Why stress the importance of starting at the pelvis? Newton’s third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  By starting with checking the pelvis for imbalances we are able to ignore compensations that might ensue following a subluxation.

The Downward Spiral Begins At The Start

The first compensation that will occur for people who suffer from a pelvis subluxation will typically be in the lumbar spine.  The lumbar spine has nerve roots that regulate and control certain parts of the body. What will happen? Visceral problems will begin to occur.  Damaging the lumbar nerve roots will effect every tissue cell of any organ that is regulated in that particular root. Fast-forward some odd years later living with GI problems. Then the superficial pain occurs.  Enter the chief complaint “lumbar pain” or “lower back pain” (which ever you fancy). Start at the beginning and foundation of the spinal column. Chiropractic care seeks to turn on the natural healing ability, not by adding something to your system, but by removing anything that might interfere with the normal healing process within your system. #getchecked

Shoulder, Knees, Hips, Ankles…It’s Still A Spine Problem

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Shoulder, Knees, Hips, Ankles…It’s Still A Spine Problem

Extremities….aka, shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists or whatever extremity you want to throw in the mix is all related to the spine.  “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease” – Hippocrates. When extremity problems present themselves in our life, we forget about the structure that provides life to those parts of our body; the spine.  Now, what about incidences that occur like with Nancy Kerrigan. For those who don’t remember, Nancy Kerrigan was an Olympian struck in the knee by an individual who wanted to cause her harm. In these cases, this is a simple cause and effect situation.  For everything else, pay attention to the spine and what it offers in your healing abilities.

The Nerve Of That Extremity

To understand that healing begins in the spine, you must understand the importance of the central nerve system.  Every tissue cell that makes up any extremity, whether it’s your shoulder, knee, wrist or whatever, is originated and can be traced back to a specific spinal nerve.  For example, think about the wrist and carpal tunnel. The concept is that the large amount of time spent typing causes inflammation in the wrist. What most fail to realize is that the wrist and any muscle movement used for typing is controlled via your lower cervical spinal nerves.  Sure, the person is typing for hours upon hours, but what about the position of the monitor.  What about their neck posture…etc? Are they constantly looking down and then back up and creating constant flexion and extension in the lower cervical part of the neck?  Most of the time…YES!  Specifically for the wrist, it’s called double crush syndrome.  The first “crush” (irritated nerve fiber) will occur at the cervical spinal nerve and then the second “crush” will occur in the shoulder, elbow or wrist.

It’s No Coincidence

Every tissue cell of your body traces back to a specific spinal nerve.  Take care of the spine first and foremost and extremity dysfunction will cease to exist.  With a healthy spine, the tissue cells in your extremities will increase its adaptability and perform at peak potential.  The most important project you’ll ever work on is yourself. Technology has become a literal “pain” in the neck. Don’t forget to mind your posture and look to the spine first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Learn About ‘Allergies’

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Learn About ‘Allergies’

Allergies.  What is really  happening to your body?  The immune system becomes confused by some sort of foreign substance or object and creates a response.  A HEALTHY response is one that occurs for a limited amount of time. The term allergen only becomes involved when your body does not adapt to the foreign invader.  Don’t become confused with what your body innately knows and what the commercials tell you. Just because “allergy medicine” is readily publicized as the “natural remedy” doesn’t mean that your body doesn’t have it’s own innate ability to adapt.  A hypersensitivity is a learning exercise for your body. Don’t suppress it with over the counter medication. Your body won’t learn from it.

Healthy Inside = Timed Response

When the central nerve system is in a healthy state, inadvertently the spine is in a healthy state.  Hence, the ‘healthy inside’. When the spine is placed under duress and a subluxation manifests, it puts the body in a constant state of dis-ease.  So, automatically, your CNS is stressed out which will alter the function and the precise coordinated attack of the immune system. When a nerve becomes inflamed sometimes it fires too much.  Sometimes it fires too little. In either case, whenever a nerve becomes irritated the body cannot function correctly. The immune system keeps attacking the foreign substance and keeps feeling threatened over and over again.  It’s like ‘saying uncle’ over and over and no one listens or stops what’s happening. Your immune response should be precisely timed to learn from the foreign substance and ADAPT.

Reducing The S Word… Stress

Symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes can cause added stress for allergy sufferers and may even be the root of the stress for some.  With regular spinal check-ups, you can ensure that your CNS is functioning in an optimal state and reduce and minimize the amount of spinal strain that it places on your CNS.  There is an intimate connection that exists between your CNS and your immune system. There are measurable improvements in immune function within minutes after a spinal adjustment.  This is measured by antibodies in the saliva. Don’t wait to get your spine checked. Eliminate the possibility of foreign substances creating a foothold in your immune system. Fire back and heal!

The Birth Of Chiropractic

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The Birth Of Chiropractic

September 18, 1895, marked the official birth of chiropractic.  This date is attributed to the founding father, D.D. Palmer, who gave the first recorded adjustment to Harvey Lillard in Davenport, Iowa.  Harvey Lillard had lost most of his hearing at a young age. The adjustment that D.D. Palmer performed on Lillard almost completely restored his hearing back to normal.  In the early days the principles of chiropractic were very simple. They consisted of merely locating bumps along the center of the patient’s back and forcibly reducing them with a shove or a push.  It was not until 1904-1905 that chiropractic was ingrained and seriously taught as a science, art and philosophy of the healing arts.

Back Up Just A Little Bit In Time

The first recorded adjustment was in 1895 in Davenport, Iowa.  However, spinal manipulation existed WAY BEFORE D.D. Palmer was around.  Enter Hippocrates. Hippocrates stressed the importance and teachings of writings we know today as aphorisms.  These aphorisms taught not to interfere or hinder, in any way, nature’s attempt towards recovery.  Hippocrates recognized the importance of spinal manipulation. Hippocrates taught that nature must heal and that the physician can only remove the obstruction (subluxation).  Much of chiropractic’s patient-centered approach can be linked to Hippocratic roots.

Fast forward to Claudius Galen, 130 – 200 A.D. He was considered the first to teach the proper positions and relations of the vertebrae.  Galen, like Hippocrates, recognized the importance of the nerve system. He stressed the importance to his students that the nerve system was the key to maximum health. Around the same time of Galen, Chang-Chung-King, referred to by medical science as the “Chinese Hippocrates”, stressed the importance of observing the patient as opposed to treating the symptom as for each disease.  The list of healers, philosophies and education goes on and on. Looking to spine is not a “new” trend. The primary focus of chiropractic is simply to remove the things that interfere with the body’s natural normal healing ability. #getchecked


Do You Have Patience To “Get Better”

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Do You Have The Patience To “Get Better”?

Do you have the patience to get better?  As Americans we have a ‘fast-food’ mentality.  We want and need things NOW. Anything that takes time has to come with a warning label!  Who would enforce the warning label though? There are entire industries out there hoping that you are looking for the ‘quick fix’ and will feed on your need for speed.    We are becoming a society that expects the ‘quick fix’. However, we will almost always become disappointed with the results. What happened to patience? We must learn the virtue of patience.  With patience comes results…in everything.

Do Not Neglect The Time

Once you go to a chiropractor you will have to keep going for the rest of your life.  Have you heard this before? In a way, it is true. Your chiropractor should explain to you why this is.  Chiropractic care allows the body to heal and adapt to both external and internal stressors without taking medication, invasive shots, surgeries or other forms of western medicine.  Chiropractic care enables your body to accomplish this by focusing on the central nerve system (CNS). With a healthy CNS you will have a healthy body. It’s a fact. It’s proven. It’s science.  It’s the truth and no one can dispute the significance of a healthy CNS. What is required with chiropractic care? Patience and time. The body requires time to heal. For example, Think of how much damage is done to your tissue cells when you break a bone or get a cut on your hand.  Anything that damages the TISSUE CELL requires time to repair and heal. There is a lot to rebuild.

Patience Is Needed, Oh Tissue Cell

The tissue cell requires your patience.    Want to build muscle by lifting weights? Change the tissue cell.  Want to learn to play the guitar? Change the tissue cell. Want to change improper curves in your spine?  Change the tissue cell. We can keep going on and on about other examples, but what all of this points back to is the word patience.  When your CNS is not adapting correctly, the tissue cell learns negative memory. Change the memory with positive repetitive actions, e.g., chiropractic care.  This is why your chiropractor will tell you to come back again. #getchecked


Cough, Sneeze, Fever Much? Learn Why Your Child Is Healthy.

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Cough, Sneeze, Fever Much? Learn Why Your Child Is Healthy.

Cough, sneeze, fever much?  Would you say that these are symptoms of someone who is healthy?  Sounds like a trick question doesn’t it. These “common” symptoms are reminders that the body is functioning correctly.  Health is about how the body operates and functions accordingly. Coughing, sneezing and fever has everything to do with a “normal” healthy response in your child… in moderation.  That is the key word here…moderation.

What Does Moderation Have To Do With It?

Moderation has everything to do with everything.  For example, on Monday your child is having symptoms.  Tuesday, your child is still having symptoms. On Wednesday morning your child’s body should be back to almost full capacity.  What if your child exhibits these symptoms for days, weeks or months? Then your child’s body is not exhibiting a normal healthy response and is failing to adapt and heal.  When the body fails to adapt to a stressor then moderation is taken out of the equation.

Eliminating Confusion – Fire For Effect

When the body is failing to adapt, the central nerve system is not performing at its optimum potential.  When the CNS becomes dysfunctional it confuses other systems that it regulates and controls, e.g., the immune system.  It’s a domino effect. One thing leads to another. An unhealthy CNS leads to a confused immune system which in turn leads to a child constantly being sick over and over again.  When an immune system is constantly being bombarded and never gets an opportunity to heal, the cycle just keeps repeating itself. We begin to feel sick all the time and it becomes our new normal.  We start believing that this is just how life is! Not true! Fire for effect and get your child’s CNS checked for dysfunction. With a healthy and properly functioning CNS the immune system is able to combat and adapt a cough, sneeze or fever in an adequate and healthy time frame.