Top Reasons ADD/ADHD and Chiropractic Find Focus

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Top Reasons ADD/ADHD and Chiropractic Find Focus

The Approach To ADD/ADHD

Chiropractors understand that the most important system in the entire body is the nerve system.  The spine is the gateway which allows for ALL communication between the brain and the body and visa versa.  Subluxations are what chiropractors are trained to access the spine for and adjust if necessary.  A subluxation causes dysfunction within the entire central nerve system causing disruption of proper nerve system communication.  Physical stressors such as birth trauma or intrauterine constraint, chemical stressors such as diet or medication and emotional stressors such as anxiety or sleeping problems can lead to subluxations.

What Is The Cause

ADD/ADHD when using the term comes off as a diagnosis that is unexplained and just typically happens.  ADD/ADHD are states of imbalance in the central nerve system, usually with one of the systems working harder than the other.  The autonomic nerve system divides into two divisions, the fight or flight reponse side or the rest and relaxation side.  When the body perceives it is in danger such as subluxation from stressors in our life the fight or flight response is triggered.  Your child is then in a protective mode of being in a constant state of fight or flight.  This results in inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Action Steps For ADD/ADHD

Natural choices that parents can make for their children have been tested and have survived the test of time.  We do not have to make “Health” a complicated thing, no medication is required when accessing the nerve system.  By properly accessing the nerve system and providing a proper functioning system for children with ADD/ADHD you can achieve improvements in their lifestyle.  If the nerve system is properly functioning than all other systems will be firing and working at their optimal potential.

The Way To Natural Immunity

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The Way To Natural Immunity

Natural immunity comes from within the body.  Ever wonder how your body is able to heal after being involved in an injury or accident?  Break a bone and somehow you heal, get a cold and somehow you overcome the sickness.  Well, it should be no surprise that the body is a self-regulating and self-healing organism.  Often when we break something we put a cast on it or if we get sick we sometimes take some over the counter medication.  These variables are not healing our body, but providing a crutch for us to “lean” on.  It is not the crutch the provides the healing but rather your central nerve system.

Natural Immunity

All cells, tissues, and glands are helping to coordinate natural immunity.  Natural immunity often sometimes comes with having to heal from something.  The biggest immune booster that you have is your own body.  Making sure that your nerve system is properly coordinating all information boosts your immune system.  There is no secret pill that has to be taken nor magic lotion that can do this.  What stimulates white blood cell production when you have a cut on your hand?  The nerve system triggers a response thus activating the immune system to kick into high gear.

Chiropractic Natural Immunity

Getting the most out of your chiropractic care comes with the foundation of understanding how your body operates.  The nerve system controls all other systems in your body and that includes the gut or the GI system.  All disease begins in the gut – Hippocrates.  Over 70% of your immune system is localized in the GI system.  Now, we are not saying that your gut controls your health.  It is a solid factor to consider when trying to obtain natural immunity.  Healthy gut – healthy body.  Get your nerves checked to make sure you are functioning at your true potential.