Day One Adjustments

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Day One Adjustments

Do you remember the very first time you were adjusted by a chiropractor?  Do you remember your very first experience in this world, birth?  The birth process is an amazing event and something that is cherished by all parents.  Having your child start life off with a BANG, with a specific chiropractic adjustment is not only ideal, it makes sense!  People often don’t think of the birth process as a traumatic event.  Imagine knowing what you know now if you had to do it all over again and pass through a very small canal, probably would not be the top thing on your list to do.  Just think about the entire 9 months leading up to the birth, the body is constantly changing and growing.  The development of the nerve system is the first “thing” to begin to develop in a fetus.  The nerve system is the master controller of the entire body.  Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on the nerve system with specific adjustments.


A long healthy life begins with day one, having your child checked for possible nerve dysfunction right away and having a chiropractic adjustment if necessary is optimal.  Even the tiniest of the tiniest can benefit from adjustments, chiropractic is safe and effective in allowing the body to restore or maintain proper balance.  Think of all the metabolic, chemical, hormonal changes that your child will be experiencing upon that first day; new stressors are going to be in effect and attacking the body.  Best to make sure that every experience your child encounters is with a clear and functioning nerve system.  Life for the newborn depends upon the preservation and healthy functioning of the brain stem and spinal cord at the level of the upper neck – Abraham Towbin M.D. – Harvard Medical School.  Adjustments are crucial for allowing the body to express its innate ability to regulate and control life at its best.


Looking for more information regarding day one adjustments or just kids and chiropractic in general?  Click me


Commit To A Healthy Body

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Commit To A Healthy Body

Commit to a healthy body by doing what is necessary on a day to day basis.  By doing one thing at a time for your body you can start to appreciate the small things in life that often go unnoticed.  There is no coincidence that people who take care of their body live a stronger more positive lifestyle.  Caring for yourself does not have to be burdensome or a taxing event that leaves you lost and tired throughout the day, in fact in does the complete opposite.  Committing to a healthy body begins with your foundation: a clear and connected nerve system.  Chiropractic focuses on making sure that your master control system (central nerve system) is properly connected to make sure you live your life at your optimal potential.  The nerve system regulates and controls every function and ability that you encounter on a day to day basis.  Why chiropractic?  Regular chiropractic adjustments is essential for a healthy body.  Want to talk about cells, proteins, hormones, endophins, etc, little fun words that have a lot to do with a lot?  All of your cells, tissues, organs, and glands are receiving information every second from your nerve system to enable your body to be at it’s peak performance.

Commit to a healthy body by understanding the consequences of a vertebral subluxation.  A vertebral subluxation is what chiropractors are trained to check your spine for and if necessary, specifically adjust.  A vertebral subluxation is in essence a central nerve system malfunction.  It is not a pinched nerve, back pain or neck pain.  It diminishes your ability to function at your best by creating stress within the one thing you only have one of: your body.  By neglecting your spine to make sure your have proper alignment you in fact accelerate the process of decay and dysfunction within the body.  A healthy body is directly proportional to a healthy nerve system.  What about eating right and regular exercise?  You are exactly right!  Both of these two variables play huge dividends in how the body operates.  Both of these are not only instrumental to maintaining a healthy body but also rely directly on the nerve system to coordinate movement and process daily nutrients.  No matter how you spin it, everything comes back to the nerve system.  Commit to a healthy body by making sure your nerve system is clear of any dysfunction.  Get Checked.

Emotional Stress Plaguing The Body

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Emotional Stress Plaguing The Body

Emotional stress is something that most individuals deal with on a daily basis.  Emotional stress can be a variety of things ranging from: depression, jealousy, paying bills, public speaking, your job, divorce, and the list goes on and on.  Regardless of how you handle emotional stress it still takes a toll on the body, especially if it is something that keeps reoccurring every single day.  Contrary to popular belief emotional stress is the number one reason why people seek chiropractic care.  We often think of physical pain in the low back or neck as the top reason to see a chiropractor.  Emotional stress takes the cake, imagine if in fact you do have a physical condition do you not think that your going to be constantly worrying about it?

Emotional stress is one of the biggest stressors on the body, not just physical trauma.  If you are constantly thinking about something in a negative manner your entire physiology is changed.  Negative hormones, endorphins, and overall chemistry of the body is negatively affected with stress.  In simplest terms you can often see somebody who is under emotional turmoil, they do not look well, their head-space is somewhere else, and their overall quality of life is lessened by this stress.  This constant stress wreaks havoc on the entire body and often can cause subluxations within the body.  Now, what we are not saying is that if you all of a sudden you get a letter from the IRS for owing taxes for a million dollars and you instantly create a subluxation.  It’s not like POOF, subluxation created!  It takes time for your body to create dysfunction.

A vertebral subluxation occurs in the spine which places stress upon one or more nerves.  A subluxation is not a pinched nerve, it is an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  Chiropractic focuses on checking the nerves to make sure proper function and communication is sustained throughout the body.  After receiving a specific chiropractic adjustment your body has no other alternative but to function accordingly and to allow your body to adapt and to heal.  After an adjustment there is proven research that your hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex in your brain begin to “fire” and take appropriate steps in making sure the body is working at optimal potential.  These two components of the brain are major regulators of allowing your body to function at peak performance.  Emotional stress we encounter daily, by giving your body the best chance available by functioning at optimal performance is your best chance to adapt and heal accordingly.

Balancing Act Of Health: Healthy Life

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Balancing Act Of Health : Healthy Life

The balancing act of health is a daily activity that cannot be taken for granted.  A man that is too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busty to take care of his tools – Spanish Proverb.  Health does not come in a cookie-cutter box that has specific instructions for what to do.  Health is different and unique to each individual with basic fundamental principles.  Diet, exercise, and a properly functioning nerve system with specific chiropractic care should be your balancing act of health. How to eat clean and regular daily exercise are not things that are new and upcoming.  They have been around for an extended period of time and will continue to be paramount in our daily lives.  Regular specific chiropractic care is also something that is not new and upcoming.  Chiropractic has been around for an extended period of time as well and will continue to be a fundamental principle of health.  Balancing all of these variables together is key, with chiropractic being at the foundation in order to sustain a healthy life.

The balancing act of all three variables is key to a healthy life.  Think of ways we often try and bend the rules with these variables.  You can go to the gym and workout everyday, if your diet is not properly suitable for what you are doing you cannot out-train a bad diet.  The same can be said for eating an amazing diet and not properly exercising.  Imagine if you are doing both of these variables and eating clean and regularly exercising and not involving chiropractic.  Chiropractic keeps your body connected so that you can live your life to your fullest potential.  With a clear and connected nerve system your body has no other option but to function and be at your best.

Proper Body Function

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Proper Body Function

Proper body function.  What does that statement mean to you?  Function is defined as ” an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.”  Function is the way that you express your life to your fullest potential, without any limitations.  People that seek chiropractic care are doing this to have proper body function on a day to day basis.  Nothing is more frustrating than a quality of life that has limitations and restrictions on daily functions.  Awareness of body function is fundamental to understanding health and the possibilities that everyone has to obtain.

What Proper Body Function Is Not

Proper body function does not come in the form of a pill.  You cannot expect that taking something to cover up a sign or symptom is the ultimate way to express your function.  Function does not come in the form of a lotion or potion that has to be regularly applied.  Function does not come in the form of surgery or taking something away from your body unnecessarily.  We do realize, and accept, that at certain times maybe one of these variables might be necessary.  Major traumas, accidents, and injuries do occur in life.  If you’re always going to rely on a crutch at least make sure you have explored all options before doing so.

What It Is

Proper body function is allowing your body to heal and overcome obstacles in your way, which is the greatest natural force that we all have.  It’s time to get off the medical system and to take care of yourself.  Chiropractic care allows you to express life without limitations and without having to add something artificially to your body.  Chiropractic restores your life by making sure your central nerve system is properly functioning, which in turn enables everything in your body to be sufficient.  Everything that you do in life is expressed through your nerve system, chiropractic keeps that nerve system connected and healthy with specific adjustments.  Chiropractic does not take anything away from your body nor does it supplement it.  The original beauty of your body is that it is a self-sustainable organism, it knows what to do!  With specific regular adjustments your body has no other option but to maintain proper body function.