Healthy Immune System

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Immune System

What is a healthy immune system?  Definition of the immune system: Is the body’s defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response.  A healthy immune system means that your body is operating to its fullest potential, regardless of the obstacles put in its way.  On the rise in our society are countless pathologies associated with auto-immune disorders or just sickness all together.  In order for sickness to occur your immune system has to be compromised along the way.  “It is apparent that a continuous concerted monitoring of immune system activities, and responding by the somatosensory and automatic nervous systems, is important to maintain HEALTH – and that a balance of afferent and efferent neuronal activity must be maintained to avoid pathology” (CELL).  To sum up the statement: a well-balanced nerve system is essential to provide specific actions/health within ones immune system.

A healthy immune system is balanced with a healthy diet, regular exercise and…of course a healthy functional nerve system supplying the cells of the immune system.  The cellular level, your body is maintained and operates down to the cellular level.  The body functions properly only because the cells constantly communicate with each other.  Your immune system, every day, is regulating and improving cells to adequately function and maintain life.  Your immune system’s ability to coordinate proper cells is directly correlated with how your nerve system functions and operates.  The nerve system is your body’s master controller, everything and I mean EVERYTHING that your body does is directly controlled by your nerve system.

A subluxation occurs in the body and places stress upon your entire central nerve system.  A subluxation is what chiropractors are trained to find and correct.  When a subluxation is present it disrupts the body’s proper functioning ability.  A subluxation is something that you necessarily do not “feel” right away, instead you develop continual signs and symptoms.  Imagine being constantly sick, low energy, poor quality of life, etc.  A subluxation can plague your body and places your immune system in a constant state of FIGHT!  Give your immune system the proper ability to sustain life and function appropriately with specific chiropractic care.  No drugs are required!  Get checked for possible subluxations that destroying your quality of life.


Degenerative Disc Disease Is Not Hereditary

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Degenerative Disc Disease Is Not Hereditary

Degenerative disc disease gets some bad reps; understand that it’s not a good thing to have and is often misunderstood.  Just because your mother might have degenerative disc disease does not mean that you have to have it nor will have it.  First, recognize that even though it has the word disease in it, it is not actually a disease.  Second, we think that all older people will have degenerative disc disease, which is also not true.  Most people that have degenerative disc disease will say that they are shrinking as they are growing older, they might say my bones are shrinking!  When in actuality your bones are sort of growing and therefore destroying the disc space in between the bones. You are shrinking because your disc space is decreasing.

How does degenerative disc disease even appear/manifest/or happen?  First, let’s cover what a subluxation is.  A subluxation occurs in your spinal column that places pressure upon one or more spinal nerves which creates an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  It creates havoc within your entire body, not just the one or more nerves being affected.  When a subluxation exists for a period of time uncorrected it creates instability within your spinal column.  If you have instability within your spinal column for an extended period of time your body will begin to stabilize itself.  When your body begins to stabilize the spinal column it will do so with the strongest material that it is capable of developing, bone.  Degenerative disc disease can first start out as fragments of calcification leading to formation of bone (bone spurs).  Think of it this way: if your house is leaning over and is unstable, you are going to build upon it with a strong support system in place.  Your body will do the same thing!

Individuals with degenerative disc disease can have safe and effective chiropractic adjustments to maintain the amount of growth present.  Chiropractors cannot take away the degeneration that occurred, but can maintain the growth by providing specific chiropractic adjustments to form proper stability within the spinal column.  Get your nerves checked!


Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia and chiropractic share a common trait.  Fibromyalgia often expresses itself by attacking our muscles and giving us chronic tension throughout the day.  Fibromyalgia and chiropractic are associated due to the fact that we are dealing with the musculoskeletal system.  More specifically though, we are dealing with the nerve system that regulates and controls those individual muscles.  Individuals who are burdened with fibromyalgia often have a quality of life that is based around their symptoms and how they are feeling that day.  Chronic pain and tightness in joints, difficulty concentrating, headaches and other possible symptoms do not have to be controlling your way of life.  The cause of fibromyalgia is often linked to accidents, chronic illness or some other incident that often leads people to second guess if they actually have fibromyalgia.  Looking for the cause?  Look to the master control system, the nerve system.

Fibromyalgia and chiropractic are related due to the fact that your nerve system is the top player in the scenario.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the nerve system and making sure that by checking the nerve system, we are directly going after the cause of your problem and not the signs and symptoms.  Any sign and symptom that may appear is your body’s best way of functioning.  Fibromyalgia produces many signs and symptoms, all of these have to have a reason and a CAUSE.

When a vertebrae moves out of proper position and applies pressure on a single nerve, this creates an entire central nerve system disturbance.  Which means the entire body enters into a protection mode to survive as best as it can.  Enter the chronic state of “fight” and chronic illness.  Fibromyalgia and chiropractic address your cause by allowing your body to heal and to function by removing dysfunction from the entire body.  This is only done with specific and accurate adjustments to the spine to allow proper function.  By restoring proper communication to the body, you in turn allow the entire body to express its optimal potential.

Read a little bit more about fibromyalgia and chiropractic care. :CLICK ME



The Digestive Problems

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Digestive Problems

Digestive problems have you puzzled?  Struggling with things you shouldn’t eat or with things you wanna eat?  Digestive problems always have a root cause, and finding the cause is not always in the food.  If your GI system is giving you problems there has to be more to the story.  Now, we understand that everything should be eaten in moderation.   If you go and eat 20 bean burrito’s, more than likely your body will go through some digestive problems trying to process all the food.  We also understand that certain food, unfortunately, is developed and made differently; for instance “Grass Fed Beef”, what else should the beef be eating besides grass?  The digestive problems we are referring to occurs in individuals on a constant basis regardless of the food they are consuming.  Look to the spine when digestive problems occur on a regular basis.  Stomach pains, re-flux, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and etc are some common digestive problems that plague people.

Chiropractic focuses on the spine and the nerves that branch out and supply our vital organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc.  Your entire digestive system is regulated and controlled by your nerve system.  If your body is not producing enough enzymes, proteins, microbes or failing to regulate sufficient movements look first to the nerves that are supposed to be working at optimal function.  If we have digestive problems we often single out the organ that is responsible for our discomfort.  Singling out one specific organ neglects the entire process all together, the process being that your body works together as ONE unit.  A subluxation is when a vertebrae moves out of position and creates pressure on a nerve pathway, thus creating a central nerve system dysfunction.  Chiropractors are trained to locate and adjust if necessary these subluxations.  Thus restoring proper communication to your body and most importunately to your digestive process.  Digestive problems are your bodies way of saying that something is not right.  Have your nerve system checked to allow your body to heal and function the way it is intended.