Decrease Inflammation

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Decrease Inflammation

Why would someone want to decrease inflammation?  Initially, inflammation in your body is a way to protect itself from some sort of injury/pathogen that occurred.  Your immune system recognizes that some irritant affected the body so your immune system kicks into high gear to protect and remove the harmful stimuli.  Your body recognizes that inflammation should only persist for a short while, remember it is part of the healing process.  Chronic inflammation in your body for an extended period is unnecessary and often leads to signs and symptoms.

The inflammation we are focusing on is relating to your gut.  Specifically, we are talking about your vagus nerve which regulates and controls a vast amount in your body including your stomach, large intestine, small intestines and so on.  Chronic inflammation in your gut can be extremely debilitating and can lead to different symptoms.  Your vagus nerve is in control of regulating and controlling gut microbiomes that sense and detect pathogens.  A subluxation is when a vertebra moves and applies pressure on a nerve thus decreasing the firing potential of the nerve.  Basically, a subluxation creates dysfunction in the body, which does NOT decrease inflammation.  So, think if you’re constantly bloated, have stomach pains, have chronic digestive issues, or just something is affecting your body irregularly.  First, look to the spine for the cause of why this is happening.  If a nerve is not sending the proper communication to your vital organs, then your body will respond as best as it can leading to signs and symptoms.  By properly removing pressure off of the vagus nerve you can decrease inflammation.

In society we are instructed that digestive issues are all solved by eliminating something from the diet.  Why eliminating something can help, it still is not solving the cause of WHY your body is responding the way it is.  Specific chiropractic adjustments allow digestion to be restored properly without elimination and decreasing the immune response of chronic inflammation.  Every day you live with a subluxation you are shortened of your life potential.  Decrease inflammation in the gut by addressing the cause.


Natural Health Care

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Natural Health Care

Natural health care is becoming more and more of an issue these days.  This growing trend can, in part be due to the increased awareness of GMO’s, food processing, and over consumption of pharmaceuticals.  The increase of natural health care should be in the awareness of the explosion in ADHD, Autism, Allergies, Asthma, and so on.  Our health care is not what it should be when our children have a lower life expectancy then adults.  The best doctor that anyone will ever know is the one that is inside each of us.  For instance, if you cut yourself your body is going to respond to this by forming a clot and producing a scab.  Natural health care does not have to be difficult or over inflated with the newest and latest health trend.

Natural health care is allowing your body to function at its optimal potential.  Chiropractic is the most natural form of health care available.  Chiropractors do not give your body anything nor do they take anything away from your body.  Chiropractors check your nerve system and, if necessary, will perform an adjustment.  An adjustment is performed when a vertebra moves out of normal position and applies pressure on a nerve.  Pressure upon a nerve disturbs the body’s normal communication line.  Your brain, being your master control center, sends all the body’s messages through your spinal cord and out via nerves.  Pressure upon a nerve from a vertebra distorts the communication and your body suffers. As a result of this pressure upon a nerve, your body begins to give you signs and symptoms.  If signs and symptoms are present in your body, you need first to look towards the spine.

Understand that signs and symptoms are your body’s way of trying to protect itself.  If all you’re doing is supplementing medication for a “natural” pill then you are still suppressing the body’s natural response and inhibiting the healing process.  Natural health care is chiropractic!  The body is constantly in a state of function and repair on a daily basis; all controlled by a healthy and intact nerve system.  Keep your nerve system properly functioning to ensure your “natural health care.”


Constipation In Children

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Constipation In Children

Constipation in children sort of becomes a tricky issue.  For any parent that has changed a diaper and encountered a massive explosion, it might be kind of nice to get a couple of days without having to go through that smell.  Truth be told though, that massive explosion is a healthy and functioning child.  All sarcasm aside, constipation in children is not normal and is a growing trend.  Everyone should be experiencing a bowel movement 2-3 times a day.  When going to the bathroom it should not be strenuous and difficult, it should be like “Grease Lighting.”  Constipation in children often comes about when our children tell us “Mommy, it hurts when I poop” or some sort of stomach pain.  The main sign that parents will notice is the lack of bathroom visits.

Constipation in children can be “treated” with stool softener or heavy forms of laxatives.  Keep in mind though that this is not addressing the cause of the problem, laxatives and medication is like putting a Band-Aid on an ever growing concern.  If you are looking to address the problem at the cause and ensure your children are functioning to their optimal potential then you need to look no further.  Chiropractic goes after the root of the cause of constipation in children.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist and are trained specifically to access and adjust the nerve system.  Constipation in children is usually associated with the lower part of the spine, more specifically the sacrum.  Specific nerves regulate and control the muscles, cells, and tissues of our bowel movements.  If the sacrum or a vertebra moves out of position and applies pressure on one of these nerves then the brain cannot control proper bowel movements.  Improper positioning of a vertebra creates a roadblock in communication.  

Constipation in children is a warning sign.  Recognize what warning signs are in your children.  Give your children a chance to heal and grow stronger by proper nerve system communication.  Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages!  Get checked! 


The Fact’s Of Scoliosis Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Fact’s Of Scoliosis Chiropractic

Some cold hard facts of scoliosis chiropractic care.  Scoliosis chiropractic care is essential and vitally important to correct the on-going posture distortions that will plague an individual if uncorrected.  Scoliosis is improper curvatures of the spinal column when looking at another individual face on.  Your spine is designed to have three major curvatures when visualizing someone from the lateral aspect.  When someone has curvatures in their spine when looking at the front of the individual that causes harm to their body.  Your spine encloses and protects the most important system in your body, the nerve system.  If there are improper curvatures within the spine then, as a direct correlation you will have dysfunction within your nerve system.  Are you wondering if scoliosis chiropractic care is for you?  If you have a nerve system then yes!

Many think that genetics or a deformity in the spine causes scoliosis.  While these two variables can play a part in scoliosis, the true cause relates to the functional activity of the nerve system.  Muscles play a major role in keeping the spine straight.  Your musculoskeletal system is regulated and controlled by your nerves.  So, your muscles will not receive proper communication and thus results in scoliosis.  Scoliosis chiropractic care focuses specifically on the function of the nerve system.

One of the major components of scoliosis chiropractic care is proper X-ray imaging.  X-ray imaging is essential to visualize and perform specific adjustments to the vertebrae of concern.  Here at Carlson Chiropractic Office we utilize full spine X-rays to visualize and take the time to properly access everyone individually.  Scoliosis chiropractic care has to be specific and personalized for everyone.  Taking care of your spine ensures that health and longevity will continue via a healthy nerve system.  Now is the time for scoliosis chiropractic care!  Have your nerves checked.

Healthy Spine Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Spine Care

Spine care is usually a topic that appears for individuals only when they begin to suffer from some sort of neck or lower back pain.  Ultimately, we need to realize that taking care of our body begins with a healthy spine.  Your spine is the structure that supports and protects your central nerve system.  Everything you do in life is directly correlated with how your nerve system functions.  For instance, as we continue to grow older you will notice some of the elderly population with rounded backs, walking around looking at the ground.  How did this posture distortion start?  This process is due to improper spine care.  The brain sends its messages to all parts of the body through the spine.  The spine needs to be free and clear of obstacles in it’s way to ensure you are functioning at your optimal potential.  When a nerve becomes irritated, due to improper posture of your spine, your body begins to fight.  Improper muscle tension will develop, dysfunction to your vital organs, cells, tissues, and glands will begin.  This is the first stage and when you should recognize that something is wrong.  Your body will give you the signs and symptoms to notice dysfunction, it is your responsibility to act!

Spine care is essential to maintain a healthy functioning body.  A subluxation is what chiropractors find and adjust if necessary.  A subluxation is when a spinal bone moves out of alignment and wreaks havoc on your nerve system.  The reason being is that your spine is the information highway from your body to your brain and visa versa.  Proper spine care is making sure your spine is clear and free of subluxations, which in turn ensures keeping the communication open.

Measuring ones health can be categorized into posture.  It’s the ripple effect, improper posture leads to dysfunction in the nerve system; and the nerve system regulates and controls ALL!  Proper spine care is not a fad or a trend nor is your health.  Get checked for possible subluxations that are affecting your health.

Check out the “Text Neck” posture.

More Than Just Back And Neck Pain

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

More Than Just Back And Neck Pain

Back and neck pain are typically synonymous with anything chiropractic.  This thought process is very self-limiting and restricts why individuals actually come to the chiropractor.  Back and neck pain are issues to be concerned about, it is the underlying issue that needs to be focused on.  Your nerve system is your master controller of your entire body, when you have a bad experience in life such as back and neck pain you have to “blame” your nerves.  Superficially along your muscles you will feel tension, fatigue, and often knots in your muscles.  This is not normal to feel this way for extended periods of time!  This chronic fatigue and tension that you “feel” in your muscles has to start from somewhere, and more importantly has to have a reason.  If the tension and fatigue goes on for a prolonged period of time you will eventually develop back and neck pain.

All of this discomfort is produced from your nerve system.  Let’s use a common example such as sitting down and on the computer for extended periods of the day.  Sitting down and compromising “normal” curvatures of the spine by forward head position adds up over time.  Having an improper posture for extended periods of the day creates misalignment in the spine.  Misalignment creates nerve dysfunction.  Nerve dysfunction is called a subluxation, which results in improper communication between your brain and the rest of your body.  Surrounding muscles can become tight, sensitive, tense, or may even spasm.  Soft tissue will tend to swell resulting in inflammation which causes damage to your body.  Then, just then after this goes on for some time you finally have back and neck pain.  Subluxation’s are silent in nature and go on for years just like cavities in your teeth!  That is why regular chiropractic check-ups are essential for your overall health!

Health is simple, you need to listen to your body and do what it tells you!  Do not let pain be a determining factor if you are healthy or not!  Have your nerve checked before the back and neck pain set in!


Common Signs And Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Common Signs And Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms?  What “condition” are we referring to when writing this is the question?  Any signs and symptoms at all are an alert system for your body to let you know that something is not right!  The problem with signs and symptoms is that we think they are normal for our daily lives.  There are two different categories that we associate our signs and symptoms with.  You can be walking down the sidewalk and take the wrong step and “BAM” you twist your ankle.  When these incidents occur we have an immediate cause and effect, we instantly know what happened and what the consequences will be.  The other category occurs when seemingly small but noticeable signs and symptoms plague our lives and we just continue to live with it.  For some they have no pain, so is there anything wrong with their body?  The entire aspect of letting pain be your guide to a healthy life is a horrible paradigm that we have created in our society.

So, what are common signs and symptoms?  Anything that causes your body to function less than your optimal potential.  Your body has amazing capabilities and warning systems to let you know when things are not working properly.  What we tend to do in our society is cover up our signs and symptoms with over the counter medication and prescriptions.  Using medication will allow you to put a “Band-Aid” on things for a short period of time but does not address the cause.  Then after a while your body will reveal signs and symptoms again and have to take even more medication.  This entire cycle becomes a very debilitating process and wreaks havoc on your body.  Chiropractic will address your signs any symptoms, more importantly it will go after the causative factor of why.  Any dysfunction that your body goes through is controlled and regulated by your nerve system.  Chiropractor’s check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and adjust the cause, which in turn allows your body to heal!