What Is Wellness

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

What Is Wellness

What is wellness?  This word can and does mean one thing for one person and can be night and day for the next person.  Wellness definition according to Merriam-Webster: The quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal.  From our standpoint we address wellness on an individual level, because everyone has different goals of what they think healthy is for them.  For some, wellness can be living life without symptoms.  For others, wellness is living life to their true potential with limiting symptoms.   In general, most think wellness is eating healthy, exercising, and living right!  So, to put our own twist on this game of what wellness is we incorporate chiropractic.  We start with what chiropractic is not:  it is not sick care, it is not back pain care, it is not supplemental care, it is not wellness care.  Chiropractic is HEALTH CARE for the entire family.

Sometimes we are confused on what health care is and what it is not.  Health care is not taking anything away from your body or giving your body any artificial “stimulation.”  Health care is allowing your own innate intelligence to flourish and grow on a day to day basis, thus encapsulating the word wellness!  Chiropractic allows wellness for individuals by SUPPORTING the innate intelligence of the central nerve system.  The central nerve system coordinates and controls every organ, gland, tissue, and cell in the body!  Chiropractors check and access your nerve system to make sure your entire body is connected via your nerve system.  Any disconnection in your body is apparent with signs and symptoms: muscle pain, headaches, constipation, infertility, etc.  So, by eating a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and having regular chiropractic check-ups you can ensure your wellness is in hand.  Life is a balancing act and we are here to help!

Not Just Muscle Pain

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Not Just Muscle Pain

Chiropractic is not just muscle pain.  Some in our society think that chiropractic is just for relief of muscle pain or just any sensation of pain in general.  Muscle pain is an issue and will be dealt with; however there is an underlying causative factor as to why there is muscle pain.  A subluxation occurs when a vertebrae applies pressure on a spinal nerve, this “pressure” on the nerve creates dysfunction within the body.  Dysfunction causes the messages from the brain to the muscles to become distorted, resulting in improper firing sequences.  Your body does this for protective measures to at least have some functionality available.  You see, that nerve with pressure on it not only has motor control (which is geared towards your muscles) but it also has autonomic control.  Your autonomic nerves are regulating and controlling your adrenal glands: kidneys, heart, lungs, etc.  Even with pressure upon a nerve, your body is still designed to function, regardless of the sensation of muscle pain!

Visiting the chiropractor for just muscle pain is like robbing a bank and just taking the free pens!  Chiropractors focus on correcting the cause of your problems, not just the suppressing symptoms that are apparent.  Muscle pain is an issue that can come and go while the real signs and symptoms can continue for fester for a prolonged period of time.  That is why regular chiropractic adjustments maintain the vital communication from your brain to your body to allow you to function at optimal potential and stay healthy!  So, the question is what are you concentrating on?  Are you more focused on the symptoms or what is actually causing the problem?  By addressing the problem not only do the symptoms disperse but your body in general is allowed to heal with proper connection to all your organs, cells, tissues, and glands.  Regardless if it’s muscle pain or just a curiosity, you live your life through your nerve system.  Every human interaction you have is processed through your nerve system.  It is a chiropractor’s responsibility to make sure that system is functioning at 100% 


The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

The rise of asthma symptoms in our society means only one thing, more people have asthma.  Simple!  We measure the health of our society either based on the elderly or the young.  For me, I like to think if our young our healthy then we as a society are healthy.  Let’s be honest, asthma symptoms have continued to rise and for some that is the least of their concerns along with their myriad of other complaints.  More and more children are diagnosed with asthma than any other “disease”.  Asthma symptoms and understanding how the body works can be the tip of the iceberg for some.  If the body is constantly expressing itself with asthma symptoms, your body is in a constant state of fight.  Realize, symptoms in one aspect of the body defines the entire body.  Just imagine how else your body is attacking itself when constantly being bombarded with countermeasures to survive.

Relating asthma symptoms and chiropractic is as easy as peanut butter and jelly.  When there is abnormal autonomic nerve system responsiveness, this contributes to pathogenesis of asthma and other allergic diseases.  Chiropractor’s check and detect for possible subluxations within one’s body and adjust those subluxations if necessary to restore proper communication.  Subluxation’s create abnormal autonomic nerve system responses.  Chronic asthma symptoms are abnormal responses.  Your body should recognize a pathogen and fight, protect itself, and WIN!  What your body should not do is have a chronic battle that is life limiting and in constant state of protection over and over again.  So, an easy way to mask asthma symptoms is through medication.  The so called quick “fix.”  How about visiting a chiropractor and addressing the cause of your health condition?  How about having your children checked for possible subluxations that can be stimulating adverse asthma symptoms?  Get checked.

The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine, William Osler, M.D..  Don’t cover up asthma symptoms, address the underlying cause.


Family Health Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Family Health Care – Carlson Chiropractic Offices

Why family health care?  Great question!  It is our responsibility to raise the awareness of what health is and what it is not.  Your body develops, grows, heals, and deteriorates on the cellular level.  Your body is constantly being resurrected one cell at a time.  The integrity of those cells depend upon a healthy functioning nerve system coordinating that action and forming the building blocks for life.  Chiropractic is the only profession that focuses specifically and solely on the function of the nerve system.  Your nerve system is the master control system of your entire body.  If you want to express life to your fullest potential and live without limits, this requires a healthy functioning nerve system.  We say family health care because everyone uses their nerve system!  

Family health care is simple.  In our world today we complicate it way to much and don’t have to. If the signals from the master control CENTER (brain) are normal then the body functions normally.  If there is a “disconnection” from the brain to the organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc then the body responds with signs and symptoms.  This “disconnection” is caused by a vertebral subluxation.  A vertebral subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that festers with time, it takes time to exhibit the signs of pain that most people associate chiropractic with.  In actuality the signs and symptoms should be the first cue for you to visit your chiropractor.  Think of a subluxation along the lines of a cavity.  Halloween rolls and along and parents instantly think that cavities are going to appear the next day.  Cavities take time to express themselves into the actual sensation of pain.

Family health care is simple!  Having a clear and connected nerve system ensures optimal potential.  No medication needs to be taken and nothing from your body needs to be taken away.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way your body is intended to.  Yes, we realize that healing takes time.  Healing is not just the removal of pain, it’s the return of life and living it.  Family health care is that simple!  


Chiropractic And Allergies

By | Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic And Allergies

Hereditary, pollen, food, itching, swelling, histamines, just a couple of words that people associate allergies with.  How about associating allergies with immune system function and response?  More importantly the role between chiropractic and allergies.  Why do some people respond differently to some things than others do? Let’s begin our crash course in the body.  Your central nerve system controls and processes all incoming and outgoing information (so, everything that you do, think, or want to do) and yes, it controls and regulates the immune system.  Basically, your central nerve system is like the control tower at the airport, if there is a bad experience with allergies and your body, blame the control tower not the planes.

Now, your control tower is very smart and intelligent and tells your immune system to release histamines when something attacks your body.  This is what your body is supposed to do, naturally!  If something such as a subluxation (vertebrae causing dysfunction in the nerve system) causes dysfunction in the control tower, then proper messages to and from that immune system are not going to be connected properly.  What can be a consequence?  Improper releasing of histamines in your body!  So, the solution that we hopefully ponder is to take anti-histamines and suppress our immune system?  Taking something externally to “fix” something internally just does not sound right, it’s just a patch-job (if that, sounds more like insanity).  Recognize, that a subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that goes on for a prolonged period of time and basically just festers in your body causing all sorts of dysfunction.  Understand dysfunction reveals itself initially by signs and symptoms and we begin to live with them and think it is normal for us.  What does chiropractic and allergies have in common?  In chiropractic we seek to find the cause of the dysfunction.   Chiropractic and allergies you need to realize is not a cure, it’s healing, and in healing your body overall becomes stronger.  Have your nerves checked for possible subluxations causing dysfunction within your body.