My Kids Chiropractor

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

My Kids Chiropractor

Kids don’t need a chiropractor, hopefully no one ever said.  They do not seem to express neck and back pain like adults do, so I guess no chiropractor.  Low back and neck pain are the least of our concerns when dealing with our children.  As a parent your top priority is that your child stays healthy and develops accordingly.  “My kids chiropractor can help my child with normal development?”  Yes!  You see, your kid’s chiropractor does not need to give them shots, a round of antibiotics, or some artificial tubes just to make you “think” they are getting stronger.  Your kid’s chiropractor is the only one who specializes in removing misalignment’s in the spine that have a direct affect on your child’s nerve system function.  If we want our children to remain healthy and develop accordingly, proper nerve system function is required.

“My kid’s chiropractor helps my kids with their immune system.”  Remember, a proper nerve system has a direct affect on every other system in the body.  If your kid starts missing fewer sick days at school, has improved concentration and mood, prevents improper spinal curvatures, oh, and decreased pain, that’s a good thing!  The greatest medicine that we can teach our children to use, is NOT to use it and to instead, rely directly on their body.  As more kids are diagnosed with sensory processing disorders, ADHD, autism, and asthma, we neglect the true principal that has withstood the test of time: the body when given a chance can HEAL on it’s own.  My kids chiropractor can give your kid a fighting chance, with results.  The life energy of our body flows from the brain, down the spinal cord, throughout the nerves, and to every organ, cell, tissue, and gland.  Misalignment’s in the spine cause disturbance, which then wreak havoc on the nerve system.  Keep the nerve system clear of interference and have your kids checked for misalignments.    “My kids chiropractor can help your kids!”  

Great and interesting reading material focused on kids chiropractic: Click Me.

Healthy Child Development

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Child Development

Healthy child development sounds like something that should be on the back of a label reading follow the instructions or else.  Child development is different for everyone and everybody.  There are “norms” set in place/certain percentiles that we trust and base our child’s development on.  You have to realize that just because your child might be in a lower percentile today, it does not mean you need to seek medical intervention.  Remember, what should healthy child development look like?  Healthy child development should consist of: eating, play, wake time, sleeping, and potty time.  Pretty simple.  If your child is not following those protocols or is having trouble with them, then there is a problem with development.  If there is a problem with your child’s development, you need to look only to the primary cause.  The nerve system.

Healthy child development can and will be halted with nerve system dysfunction.  You see a subluxation (what chiropractor’s find and correct) are nasty things.  Subluxation’s can begin right after birth, emergency C-section, forceps, vacuum, breached position, all of those and many more probably leading to a subluxation.  Healthy child development requires proper functioning of organs (and much more).  Just imagine if your child keeps having stomach ache after stomach ache or any repetitive sign and symptom for that matter.  Now, we realize that diet is a huge component of development.  If the child is not responding favorably to certain foods then why is the immune system targeting specific foods and not others?  Why is the nerve system weakened in certain areas and not others?  You must first look to the cause of why their development is halted due to the sign and symptoms.  Signs and symptoms are a direct result of nerve dysfunction.  For healthy child development have your child’s nerve system checked.

Why Just Pain Management

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why Just Pain Management

Why do some of us just focus specifically and solely on pain management?  In a recent article that I read on the World Wide Web (that was seemed strictly opinion based), stated that, “Acute back pain, which is more common than chronic pain, lasts no more than six weeks and typically gets better on its own.”  Unless you see a chiropractor and have a chiropractic evaluation done on your nerve system, nothing is getting better.  In actuality, if you do nothing to help your current condition, 6 weeks of you “waiting to get better,” is actually you learning to live with it.  We will touch on this subject more.  Living with the sensation of pain is what we learn to do and we think that when the pain is gone we are in the clear.  Far from the truth.

Nerve dysfunction can and does exist without pain.  Nerve dysfunction, you have to realize, IS brought on by subluxations.  Chiropractors find and adjust subluxations to restore proper nerve function.  Subluxations are deep and nasty things that fester and grow for prolonged periods of time until you eventually might feel a sensation of pain.  Proper pain management is recognizing that once the pain is gone you still have work to do!  Proper pain management is understanding that your body thinks very little of pain and wants to be a healthy functioning unit.

Healthy pain management begins by recognizing what your body is actually experiencing and why.  When you begin to lose your ability to function correctly, that is when the actual pain shows up.  However, most just wait for the sensation to appear.  The sensation, just like the article states, does disappear.  REMEMBER it is just a sensation though and the underlying cause is still not taken care of.  Subluxations as stated in the previous paragraph, have deep roots.  Go after the correct cause and allow your body to function to its fullest potential. Have your nerves checked for subluxations and utilize PROPER pain management.

Energy Levels Decreased Mid-Day – Ryhmes & Reasons Why

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Energy Levels Decreased Mid-Day – Rhymes & Reasons Why


Mid-day hits and all of a sudden our body feels drained and almost like we need a power-nap.  It’s only 2:30 p.m. though and it seems that this keeps happening over and over again.  Your energy levels are becoming depleted before the day is over.  I can try and combat this with some fruity-tooty energy drink, extra coffee, more sugar, or a caffeine drip into my arm.  Seems like no matter what you do your body keeps wearing down its energy stores every day around the same time.  So, let’s start at the foundation of this issue.  Hands down, on a daily basis, we know our diet and regular exercise are essential for a vital life.  This is at our common core and true fundamentals.  Ok, now that the diet and exercise have been dealt with, let’s dive into the chiropractic rationale.  You could eat all your greens and run 10 miles a day and still not be healthy, or have the energy you want.  If your body has an inability to process all of your super greens and all the miles you run, that processing is dealt specifically and solely with YOUR nerve system.  

Alright, what is one thing that we experience every single day for our entire life that everyone has to go “through?”  Gravity!  So, what holds us up?  Our skeletal system.  What keeps our skeletal system together and functioning correctly?  Our musculoskeletal system.  Who controls our musculoskeletal system to make sure we are firing on all cylinders?  YOUR nerve system!  Now, imagine if you have bad posture and you have improper curvatures in your spinal column.  Your muscles are not only going to be working to go against gravity, they are and will be working to keep you upright due to your improper curvatures.  So, your muscles will be working over-time due to your body’s ability to make sure you stay upright. In conclusion, you will be consuming more energy and your entire health will be compromised (lowered energy levels as well).  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor and sustain proper function and control of your muscle tone and balance.  Control the nerve, control your energy levels.


What Does It Mean to “Throw Out My Back”

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

What Does It Mean to “Throw Out My Back”

Oh no, I probably will “Throw out my back” if I do that, said no one ever (hopefully).  The expression “Throw out my back” is generally used in a catch-all term to classify some immediate sharp and focal pain in our lower back region.  It is not associated with us actually throwing something out, such as the garbage but usually involves some sort of acute low back pain.  So, what actually happens to my body when I “Throw out my back?”  A number of different reasons could have caused the incident resulting in usually one outcome.  The outcome is the pinched nerve, also known as subluxation, also known as nerve interference.  Your outcome can result in having the muscle, tissue, ligament, tendon, disc doing something that it shouldn’t be.  When you have dysfunction in your body, well your body will let you know.  Hence, “Throw out my back” results in acute low back pain.

I “Throw out my back” all the time and just pop some pain killers and am ready to go in a day or two.  That’s scary.  All of a sudden when we think the pain is actually gone we believe that we are back to normal.  Unless your body is clear of nerve dysfunction then you are ready to rock n’ roll again.  Your body is only clear of nerve dysfunction after seeing a chiropractor and receiving specific adjustments.  Here is why.  Nerves have nine primary functions.  One of those functions is sensory (sensory transmits the sensation of pain).  Nerves only transmit 1/3 of pain.  Nerve tension can and does exist without pain.  Even though you “Feel Good” and those pain killers took the edge off, you are not out of the blue just yet.  Have your nerves checked for dysfunction so that your body heals and adapts to the “Throwing of the back incidents”.

The Webster Technique For Pregnancy

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The Webster Technique For Pregnancy

The Webster technique is safe, non-invasive and effective at generating results.  As with all chiropractic techniques, the words safe, non-invasive and effective should always be in the title.  When people think about the Webster technique they assume breech position.  Rightfully so and much more.  According to the ICPA:  “The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction.  In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”  As with any pregnancy, the amount of distortion and discomfort due to subluxations is focused around the pelvic region.  Having regular check-ups by your chiropractor will alleviate the amount of stress that your body is undergoing.  This, in turn, will reduce muscle, ligament, and tendon tension.  

Going through your pregnancy with optimal fetal positioning is very ideal.  Utilizing regular chiropractic check-ups allows your body to function at its optimal potential.  Why is it beneficial to visit your chiropractor for regular check-ups during pregnancy? Misalignment’s of the sacrum creates tightening and torsion of the pelvic muscles and ligaments. Due to increase of hormones, weight gain, and postural adaptions, pregnant mothers have a higher chance of sacral subluxations and neuro-biomechanical imbalance than others.  If stress takes over the pregnancy and your body does not overcome and adapt by itself, mal-positioning of the fetus can occur.  C-section is typically what results when the mal-positioning occurs.  When successful, the Webster Technique avoids the costs and/or risks of external cephalic version, cesarean section, or vaginal trial of breech. In view of these findings, the Webster Technique deserves serious consideration in the health care management of expectant mothers exhibiting adverse fetal presentation (Pistolese 2002).  Our education at Palmer College of Chiropractic included the foundation and assessment of utilizing the Webster Technique.   Pre-natal chiropractic care sets the foundation for a healthy and vibrant life.


Click me for more information regarding the Webster Technique: Click ME

Pistolese,  Richard A. “The Webster Technique: A chiropractic technique with obstetric implications “ Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics – July 2002 (Vol. 25, Issue 6, Pages E1-E9)