Kids and Chiropractic

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Kids and Chiropractic

Kids and chiropractic?  Kids need chiropractic as well?  Well, we hope this thought process does not elude you!  Yes, of course kids and chiropractic!  First major physical trauma that we all endure regardless of how awesome it was… birth.  Just imagine some of the births when forceps and vacuums have to be used!  Kids and chiropractic is vital for their success in life.  Having your kids growing and functioning the way they are supposed to be is very ideal!  All parents love their kids, so lets make sure our kids our growing the way they should be!  What can a chiropractor do for my kids?  Making sure your kid is developing at optimal functioning capacity!  How does a chiropractor do that?  By removing interference and dysfunction from their bodies, just like adults!  However, kids have certain windows of opportunity to develop.  Their glands are developing for a certain amount of time then stop, their heart is developing for  a certain amount of time then stops, their lungs, organs, ligaments, etc etc.  Who controls their development?  Their nerve system!  If their nerve system is not functioning correctly their body is not developing correctly.

How do you determine if their nerves are dys-functioning?  Kids and chiropractic is just like adults and chiropractic.  We take x-rays if necessary, check for possible subluxations that cause dysfunction in their nerves, and then adjust those specific segments.  Proper preparation means that we do not have to adjust anything that doesn’t need adjusted, so we don’t guess on their health just like adults!  No medication, no drug can properly establish communication so your body functions the way it is supposed to be.  Kids and chiropractic sets a foundation for a healthy life.  If you are looking for preventative measures to ensure your kids develop and function the way they were supposed to be……healthy…then chiropractic is your means of accomplishing this.

Cost Effective Health Care

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Cost Effective Health Care

Cost effective health care in the form of chiropractic.  Chiropractic is not sick insurance, life insurance, or disability insurance.  Chiropractic care is health care!  Health care is exactly in the words, you are wanting to maintain your health.  Health does not come in the form of pills or surgery.  Health care comes in the form of allowing your body to be at its peak potential!  In comparison with other forms of care: “Reduced odds of surgery were observed for…those whose first provider was a chiropractor. 42.7% of workers [with back injuries] who first saw a surgeon had surgery, in contrast to only 1.5% of those who saw a chiropractor.”-Keeney et al (2012), Spine.  Seems like that is cost effective!  

“Low back pain initiated with a doctor of chiropractic (DC) saves 40 percent on health care costs when compared with care initiated through a medical doctor (MD), according to a study that analyzed data from 85,000 Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) beneficiaries in Tennessee over a two-year span,” –Liliedahl et al (2010), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.  The concept of health care is to REMAIN HEALTHY.  Your greatest asset hands down, that everyone has is the ability to alter  your health.  “Chiropractic is the largest, most regulated, and best recognized of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professions. CAM patient surveys show that chiropractors are used more often than any other alternative provider group and patient satisfaction with chiropractic care is very high,”-Meeker, Haldeman (2002), Annals of Internal Medicine.  Health care without restrictions and without medication, sounds like it makes sense.  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor.

Fight Or Flight

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Fight Or Flight

Fight or flight is and has always been a way that your body depends on functioning as a unit.  Fight or flight is how your body utilizes two different types of nerve systems.  These systems are set up and should be utilized in order for proper functioning.  When your body is at rest, growth, relaxation (etc), you are utilizing your parasympathetic nerve system.  When your body’s adrenal glands are stimulated and you starting pumping some “fighting juice”, tension, and signs and symptoms become apparent throughout your body.  Your bodies fighting response (sympathetic) are turned on when a subluxation (misalignment of the spine) is present in your body.  Your body’s fighting response is not initially to elicit pain, it is to elicit signs and symptoms!  Fight or flight, the fight response is: high blood pressure, asthma, fevers, seizures, autism, colic, etc.  Your body’s flight response is not to make you sound like your giving up, it is actually opposite of this.  Your flight response (parasympathetic) is to establish growth, healing, and normal continual functioning of your body.  Once your body is using both systems together.  Too much flight is a bad thing!

Fight or flight is designed to be used together in harmony.  Too much of something is a bad thing, too little of something is a bad thing when dealing with your body.  Subluxation’s can allow your body to do this though, and can cause too much or too little.  Restoring proper connection with chiropractic care is a way for fight or flight to work together.  When your body is overcome by stress, you need to adapt and overcome.  Chiropractic allows proper communication so your body can adapt and overcome, and get stronger from your condition!  Proper nerve system harmony between these two systems means proper functioning as a unit!  Have your nerves checked to establish the proper fight or flight unity.

The Migraine Cause

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The Migraine Cause

What and why do some people become more susceptible to a migraine?  What is the migraine cause?  Most important how do I address the migraine cause!  Migraine causes are a direct result of nerve dysfunction!  More specifically your nerves controlling your thyroid gland!  You have several different signs and symptoms that are associated with the migraines and the different stages that you go through: stages they say are prodrome, aura, headache, postdrome.  Some signs and symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, pain on one side, blurred vision, sensitive to light and noise, fever, stiff neck, etc etc!  My thyroid plays what role in all of this again?  Your thyroid gland is a HUGE chemical gland.  It controls, regulates, influences, and manages a solid bunch of our day to day operations.  If you have nerve dysfunction and your nerves are not sending proper communication to your thyroid gland, the primary sign and symptom that your body will give you to realize this is: migraines.

Just look at the different stages associated with a migraine and see if the signs and symptoms are chemically related.

Granted there are many other signs and symptoms that your thyroid gland will give you when nerve dysfunction is apparent:  weight gain/loss, energy loss, too hot, too cold, etc etc.  Another interesting factoid is the nerves that control your thyroid gland are at the base of your neck.  Constant repetition of looking down at the keyboard, texting on your phone, sitting in class and reading, common examples of our posture compromising our nerve communication.  The migraine cause is almost exclusively dysfunction in your thyroid.  The signs and symptoms that your migraine gives you are chemical imbalance problems.  Your thyroid is the one controlling and influencing those chemicals in your body!  Proper nerve function to your thyroid = eliminating the migraine cause.

Chiropractic Care Vs A Leaky Roof

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Chiropractic Care Vs A Leaky Roof

Chiropractic care vs a leaky roof…..what a rush!  Water beginning to fall from the ceiling, running down the wall, and forming a small lake on the carpeted floor.  Sounds like a perfect way to spend a day!  Sure, you could think about calling a plumber and think about fixing some of the pipes: because it might be the problem.  You could call a handy-man and replace the wall: because it might be the problem.  You could call the carpet dudes and take the wet carpet out and put some plush new carpet it: because it could have started there!  Or, you could save yourself a bunch of endless guessing and address the source at the cause.  Kind of sounds like chiropractic care.  Chiropractic care addresses any sign or symptom that you can think of at it’s source….the nerve system.

Calling a plumber, replacing the wall, tearing out the carpet are all examples of things we try to do to cover up something.  We might take some sort of medication, might go and have surgery to remove something, or just think that it will go away with time.  Chiropractic care does repair problems, but it works best when it seeks to prevent, when you make sure that your roof is bulletproof and nothing is happening with your health!  Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on finding and adjusting spinal subluxations.  Spinal subluxations cause your signs and symptoms to appear and are your bodies first line of defense.  Do not ignore the leaking roof and address the cause at the source!

Common Sense For The Common Cold

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Common Sense For The Common Cold

The common cold and some common sense!  Personal contact is decidedly the most likely way in which cold like symptoms are contracted.  So, are we supposed to just hibernate during the season and avoid any contact with other people?  That could work, and it would be very boring at the same time.  When your body does respond to the common cold the first line of defense is going to be sneezing and maybe a runny nose.  These can be very annoying and we are told by many advertisements to suppress these signs and symptoms.  Sneezing is a way your body defends against the common cold when your immune system senses attackers in your nasal and sinus cavities.  Coughing is another way your body defends against the common cold, yet ads in magazines and television say to take a cough suppressant or a pain reliever for a fever.  Your bodies immune system uses coughing to get rid of unwanted invaders in the throat and chest.  Pain reliever for a fever?  FACT: Viruses and bacteria cant live in higher temperatures, hence your bodies response to produce a fever to provide inadequate conditions so the invaders die.

The common cold and chiropractic! Of course we have to involve chiropractic in this discussion!  When your nerve system is free of subluxations (what chiropractors find and correct) your resistance to “catching” common cold’s are at its optimum.  Chiropractic allows your body to ward off sickness and disease by allowing your nerve system to function the way it is supposed to be, which means your immune system is 100% as well as all your other systems!  Chiropractors are the only ones that access and correct subluxations that rob your nerves of their full potential (your body’s full potential).  Chiropractic is the best PREventative measure for the common cold.

Bad Posture Does Some Crazy Things

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Bad Posture Does Some Crazy Things

Everyone always talks about proper posture or the correct way to sit, stand, slouch, dodge, jump…etc etc!  What about bad posture and the detrimental effects it can have on one’s body?  Our bad posture often shows disturbances to our nerve system, and vice versa.  Our body’s posture will start to make corrective changes based on physical stress, chemical stress, and emotional stress that we go through on a daily basis.  Examples:  Physical stress – take a bad tumble in gymnastics and land wrong and sprain your ankle = bad posture to make your body compensate.  Chemical stress – way too much over indulgence and hello gallstones = bad posture to compensate during flare-ups.  Emotional stress – low self-esteem along with depression setting in, causing you to consistently look down at the ground = bad posture.  A lot of these problems with the spine and bad posture disorders begin in childhood.  Hence, why it is always important to have your kids checked by a chiropractor.

Bad posture begins to come about due to how we adapt to our stress.  Our bad posture based on those three examples above will determine how our body begins to appear in a defensive protective posture = bad posture.  Chiropractic allows your body to adapt and to overcome your bad posture and practice good posture!  By allowing your nerve system to adapt to your stress in life, you can restore the abilities you have neglected.  Why would my nerve system have to adapt?  Bad posture and how we adapt to stress begins and ends with our nerve system.  Our nerve system controls muscle contractions and moving bones.  What do we go through on a daily basis throughout life?  Gravity!  What holds our body up?  Muscle, tissues, ligaments, tendons, cartilage etc etc.  Your nerve system controls all of those!   Bad posture is a sign of an impaired nerve system.  Get checked by a chiropractor.