The Back Doctor

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Back pain and chiropractic.  Back pain and a chiropractor.  Why is back pain pain associated with chiropractor’s?  Unless you are in a major accident or trauma you will not feel back pain immediately.  What we are concerned with the most is how your body is functioning as a unit.  If you are exhibiting signs and symptoms such as irregular menses, constipation, infertility, cramps and so on, that is your first sign of back pain.  We tend to neglect those signs and symptoms and think that those are to be handled in a different way using medicine.  Then when we actually have back pain we go to the chiropractor not thinking they can help heal your other signs and symptoms.

Your nerve system controls all.  Your bodies way of letting you know that you actually have “back pain” is your signs and symptoms that you exhibit before the actual pain even arrives! Pain goes where the nerve goes, and the nerve controls all (organs, cell’s tissue’s, and glands).  So, finally when someone has had enough and the back pain actually starts to show up, you see a chiropractor.

The misconception is that chiropractors are nerve system specialists, NOT back pain doctors.  We access all of your nerves for proper functioning and to make sure you can live a life free of obstacles.  Do a vast majority of people come into a chiropractic office because of the pain, yes!  It is the job of the chiropractor to inform the practice member that yes you came in for pain, then let me tell you how I can really help you!  That yes, I can get you out of pain as fast as possible, but then let us work on making you body overall healthy by addressing your signs and symptoms that you have been living with for some time.

The S In Scoliosis

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The S In Scoliosis

The busy busy word of scoliosis.  What most people think when they hear the word scoliosis is just a curve in your spine.  Great, a curve in your spine.  Well, an improper curve in your spine is detrimental to anybody, especially if it is considered scoliosis.  If you have an improper curve in your spine then image the improper communication your nerves are sending to the rest of your body.  If a power line is crooked, will it be sending proper communication to the destination? NO!  So, if you have scoliosis will you be sending proper communication to your organs, cells, tissues and glands? NO!

Scoliosis affects boys and girls, more predominately girls between the ages of 8 – 18.  In some cases you may notice scoliosis right away after birth, others they grow into and it becomes habitual.  When you start to develop improper curves in your spine you begin to develop at a slower pace than normal.  There are certain windows of opportunity for someone with scoliosis.  Your brain is developing for a certain time than stops, your lungs, heart, etc etc.  Your nerves are controlling all of this development.  If you have improper curves such as scoliosis you have improper organs, cells, tissues and so on.  What does your body begin to do?  It starts to elicit signs and symptoms that something is not right in your body!

Scoliosis can progressively get worse if not corrected at a young age.  Our bones do not fully develop until we are roughly in our late teens and early twenties.  Chiropractic is your way of thinking.  Chiropractic can help in resolving the curve with proper x-rays, examination, and specific adjustments.  Any sideways curve in your spine is abnormal and detrimental to your overall health.  Remember, how your structure in your spine is determines how you function overall in life!

Migraine Headaches Are NOT A Normal Lifestyle

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Migraine Headaches Are NOT A Normal Lifestyle

Migraine headaches are becoming all to familiar with many people.  In fact they are becoming a lifestyle choice for people.  Then once you accept that lifestyle you begin you believe that migraine headaches are a normal occurrence for you.  Migraine headaches ARE NOT NORMAL.  Your body is designed to be healthy.  Migraine headaches are your bodies way of saying that something is not right.  Migraine headaches are your bodies way of letting you know that signs and symptoms of nerve dysfunction are present.  Nerve dysfunction is present when a subluxation is present.  A subluxation is what chiropractors find, correct, and adjust.

Why are more and more of us experiencing migraine headaches? Thyroid dysfunction!  If your nerves are not able to send a clear, 100% communication message to your thyroid, then yes…signs and symptoms will be present.  Migraine headaches are a chemical imbalance.  Why do you have a chemical imbalance?  Improper communication to your thyroid = brought on by a subluxation = a chemical imbalance.  Look into our community, our state, our nation and see how many people are experiencing thyroid dysfunction!

So, what you are telling me is that if I have nerve dysfunction, it will results in improper communication to my organs, cell’s, tissue’s, and gland’s? YES!  If we are having improper communication to my thyroid one of the early signs and symptoms are migraine headaches.    Specific chiropractic care will locate the cause of your signs and symptoms and not chase your symptoms by masking your true problem.  In order to address your migraine headaches you need only to blame your nerve system.  Proper assessment and integrity of your nerve system is established through chiropractic care.  Allowing you to have your life back is the goal.  Chiropractic has a message for people who deal with migraine headaches.

Low Back Pain Have You Stumped

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Low back pain is the top reason why people come into the chiropractor’s office.  Approximately 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time.  That is a pretty HUGE number.  What do most people tend to do when they experience some sort of lower back pain?  Head to your nearest pharmacy and time to start “masking” some low back pain with some dope.  So, how does low back pain come about?  Let us start with the most notable one.

Accident, injury, or some sort of trauma.  If you sustain something so monumental and your body is not able to overcome your accident then yes you will feel low back pain immediately.  The signs and symptoms are going to be evident and you will be in acute pain.  Can a chiropractor help you with this and get you out of pain as fast as possible….YES!  The acute patient is 1 out of 10.  They are able to feel the low back pain immediately because the accident they underwent .

Now, let us talk about the 9 out of 10 peeps who are experiencing low back pain.  For these individuals the low back pain was the last thing to show up, that is right the low back pain was the last sign and symptom to appear.  When we start asking them about their health it proceeds as follows:  ”  Tell me about your irregular menses, your cramps, your hemorrhoids, your constipation and having a bowel movement once every three days, etc, etc.”  Then you begin to tell us how all those things have been going on for some time and how they are “NORMAL.”  You cannot imagine life without having some sort of discomfort because you think they are normal!  You see, signs and symptoms besides LOW BACK PAIN are the first things to appear that yes nerve dysfunction is present in your body.Your “normal” signs and symptoms that have been going on for some time are your first examples that low back pain is present!

Your nerves do not care about pain!  They are designed to keep you healthy and functioning. If you have nerve dysfunction your body is going to start eliciting signs and symptoms that “Hey, something is not right”!”  What do most of us do, we pop some dope and mask our symptoms up, think we are “okay” and then 4 years down the road when our nerves have had enough, FINALLY YOU HAVE LOW BACK PAIN.  Your body is an amazing thing, it will attempt to keep you healthy and sometimes you just need to listen to your body before you finally start to experience the low back pain.  Signs and symptoms mean nerve dysfunction is present.  Who locates, finds, and if needed adjusts the cause of your symptoms….that’s right, your Chiropractor!  Have your nerves checked!

The Major “S-Word”…..Stress

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We go through major amounts of stress in our life.  We go through chemical, physical and emotional stress on a daily basis in our lives!  Having the ability to overcome and having our bodies adapt to these major stressors is the determining factor of how we are going to live our lives!

Chemical stress.  Too much dope (pills), coffee, green tea, alcohol, chocolate…..etc etc.  Every thing in moderation right!    If we consume these things on a daily basis and if our body has the inability to adapt to the stress then our body starts to elicit signs and symptoms of distress.  These are key to recognize.  Stress is different for everybody and how you are able to adapt to it!  A malfunctioning liver, kidneys, you name it!  If you have chemical stress to your body, yes you should be able to adapt and overcome.  However, if your nerve system is not functioning at 100% and you have the inability to adapt, the signs and symptoms start to pile on!

Emotional stress.  Do you like public speaking?  This is a easy one to understand.  The top fear for most people is public speaking.  Having to meet your soon to be boyfriend or girlfriend for the first time can be emotional as well…and etc.  Some people start to shake, have sweaty palms, have those butterflies in your stomach?  Well gee, who is controlling those emotional thoughts?  Your brain and your nerves!  Ever hear of somebody who had such emotional baggage that there body started to elicit signs and symptoms, hair falling out, ulcers, acne, and so on !  IF you are not adapting to your emotional stress your body tells you!  Make sure to be functioning at 100%!

Physical stress.  First physical stress that we all encounter….birth.  After that just keep adding them up, learning to walk, learning to ride a bike, ummm just about learning to do anything physical.  The physical stress is the easiest one to understand for most, however the most neglected!  We undergo a care accident when we are 16 years old, have “soreness” for about a day because our body is so young and recovering faster than ever we think we are good to go!  During this care accident you sustained some whiplash as well……your only 16 years old and you think your body adapted and overcame your incident.  You have sustained a physical stress and only felt the symptoms for a day, that does not mean your body HEALED!

Having a chiropractor who understands the stress in your life and how you are able to overcome these is the major concept!  Having the inability to adapt and overcome your stress is WHY chiroprac-TORS do what we do!

Oh, just too much to talk about with regards to the “S-WORD.”

Going Through Pregnancy Like a Rockstar

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Going Through Pregnancy Like a Rockstar

Pregnancy is a monumental experience for any female…and yes the dad as well!  When you are going through pregnancy you “experience” some different things in life!  Some of those “experiences” people think are uncontrollable.  Morning sickness, nausea, back pain, pelvic pain, shortness of breath etc etc.  You must get the idea by now!  These symptoms you think are the normal process of pregnancy and you have to deal with it?  Wrong, with chiropractic care you can drastically decrease the signs and symptoms you have never experienced before.

Your nerve system is the master controller of EVERYTHING you go through and experience in life.  Your nerve system is learning to deal with something growing inside of you, better to have your nerve system rocking and rolling at 100% to battle your new signs and symptoms!  Your body begins to adapt to the presence of something else inside of you and without proper communication you exhibit signs and symptoms that people believe are “normal” during pregnancy.

The presence of a vertebral subluxation (what chiropractor’s find and correct) will interfere with the body’s ability to have proper communication back and forth.  If your body starts to have improper communication back and forth your body starts to exhibit signs and symptoms (morning sickness, nausea, back pain, pelvic pain, etc etc).  Why?  Your body is trying to tell you that something is not functioning correct and YES, the presence of a vertebral subluxation is evident!

Vertebral subluxation’s do not equate to healthy changes in your body.  Add in a growing baby using up much of your body’s resources to survive and grow within you, and you can begin to see where a subluxation can wreak havoc on the health of a pregnant women.  The nerve pressure and tension caused by the spinal compensations in the spine may lead to improper signals to be sent to various organs and tissues.  Pressure and tension on the nerves in your mid to upper thoracic spine may lead to decreased function of the heart and /  or lungs.  This may result in an added shortness of breath.  Or maybe high blood pressure, adding to that risk of preeclampsia.

You deserve to have the best chance at a successful pregnancy and childbirth, and you can only do that with a nerve system that is running free and clear of interference.  Make sure to get your nerves checked!

Chiropractor Equals Pain?

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Chiropractor Equals Pain?

Too often we think of pain with the chiropractor.  By all means, YES, we can help you with pain.  Chiropractic is so much more than actual pain though.  Going to the chiropractor for pain is like robbing a bank and just stealing the free candy suckers and not taking anything else!  

The Subluxation is what we went to school to find, detect, correct and leave alone!  Let’s say you go through life, age 18 you start to develop signs and symptoms of irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days.  Well as you continue your life and you go through this you begin to believe that this is normal.  You begin to believe that there is nothing for this and this is the life I am given.  Ummmm…wrong!  Finally, let’s say 10 years down the road you develop signs and symptoms of lower back pain.  You wait about two weeks and then finally decide to go see a chiropractor because the pain just doesn’t seem to go away!  

As a chiropractor would go through your history and find some info out you begin to tell him about your irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days.  LIGHT BULB!  Pain sensation is always the last sensation to appear (unless you are in some sort of accident).  Your nerves are designed to keep you healthy, they are trying to keep you functioning at 100%.  If you have a Subluxation (In simplest terms, a subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves) that is applying pressure on your nerves, your nerves will not be sending 100% communication to your organs, cell’s, tissue’s, and gland’s!  

So, when you were 18 years old and started to develop signs and symptoms of a Subluxation, you just assumed it was “normal.”  You see, pain is always the last thing to show up and usually the very first thing to leave your body!  Why?  Because your nerves are trying to keep you functioning at 100%.  When you start to have signs and symptoms that is your first cue to consult your chiropractor.  Dealing with pain is not fun!  Dealing with 10 years of irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days is not fun!  Do not assume signs and symptoms are your normal lifestyle!  Have regular check-ups by your chiropractor to make sure your nerves are functioning at 100%!


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Chiropractic and headaches.  Those two words seem to go together like low back pain and chiropractic.  Truth be told, yes chiropractic can reduce your ability to encounter headaches.  Why do headaches even start is the question we should be asking?  Headaches are signs and symptoms that an underlying CAUSE is being activated.  Headaches are signs and symptoms that something is not right in your body.  Typically, signs and symptoms are the last “things” to ever appear when nerve dysfunction is present.  People go through their lives and every week (ex) they will undergo a headache at some point.  That is not normal.  That is your body throwing up red flags and saying that there is an underlying CAUSE associated with these headaches.

The CAUSE of the headaches is what chiropractor’s find, check, and adjust.  We look at your nerves which control EVERYTHING.  If there is nerve dysfunction present in your body, the signs and symptoms that you will be showing can be headaches.  Some people like to take dope (drugs) and cover up the symptoms and then think they are cured.  If you give your body a crutch, your body is going to rely on a crutch again and again.  OR, you can address the CAUSE  of your headaches with chiropractic care.  At Carlson Chiropractic Offices we do not guess on your health, we do not chase your symptoms, and we do address the CAUSE of your suffering.

If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea.  What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away? There is a better alternative.
Research shows that spinal manipulation – the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck.  A report released in 2001 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, NC, found that spinal manipulation resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.
Also, a 1995 study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that spinal manipulative therapy is an effective treatment for tension headaches and that those who ceased chiropractic treatment after four weeks experienced a sustained therapeutic benefit in contrast with those patients who received a commonly prescribed medication.